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Viv had to stay in Los Angeles even though her brother was playing for the National College Football Championship. It was already a week into the New Year. She had gone out with Naomi for NYE and they had gotten way too drunk on champagne and passed out a few minutes after midnight on the west coast. Viv couldn't believe that her sophomore season was going to start in less than a month.

Kat and Christian had both flown out to Indianapolis the day after California Strong to see their son start in his second national championship game. Viv cuddles up on one of the coaches in the Malibu house with a large Hawaiian pizza from Dough Boys LA and an entire bottle of wine from her mom and dad's collection.

There is a knock on the door and Viv's dog immediately starts barking. Viv checks the Ring app on her phone and sees her guests are alive. She unlocks her phone from the app and Cy strolls in a few minutes later with a case of Coors Light and his own pizza box.

Cy looks at Viv wrapped up on the couch and returns her judgmental glare, "what? I knew your ass wasn't bout to share. Plus, you get pizza with pineapple on it." Cy fake gags and sits on the couch across from her.

Viv glares, "pineapple belongs on pizza."

"You and my brother are literally made for each other," Cy snorts and cracks open one of his beers.

"He's coming back tomorrow right?" Viv asks.

Cy shakes his head, "he's already back and on campus. He's got workouts all week at Proactive Sports."

"When!?" Viv demands.

Cy shrugs, "I don't know, but not during my time."

Viv can feel her heard beating faster and faster at the thought of Nolan working out at the same time as her. She quickly goes to the schedule that Proactive Sports sends out every Sunday. She can't find Nolan's name anywhere.

"He's not even on the schedule," Viv reports.

Cy nods, "I know because your dad called in yesterday to get him workouts."

Viv is shook. Her dad had made a special request for Nolan Bellinger to workout at an exclusive gym. He didn't even do that for CJ.

"Wait so you're telling me that Nolan was in Los Angeles yesterday and we almost-"

Cy cuts Viv off, "Lalala! No he got in hella late last night. Way after the car incident."

Viv rolls her eyes. It honestly brings her a lot of joy knowing Cy is so uncomfortable about their little hookup. She was also happy that it didn't change their strange friendship.

The pregame festivities conclude and the players meet at midfield for the coin toss. The camera pans over all the celebrities that had come to attend. It stays on Christian and Kat for a moment. Their titles pop up on the bottom of the screen.

Christian Yelich- MLB Hall of Famer 2 time Athlete of the Year, Dodger's Manager

Kat Bledsoe-Yelich- 3 time Olympic Gold Medalist, 3 time Athlete of the Year, USA Women's Volleyball coach.

"I heard a rumor I forgot to ask you about," Cy says. Viv turns her heard to acknowledge him. "I heard you were gonna play this Olympic cycle with your Mom."

Viv shrugs, "It has been brought up a lot in the last month. I have three major tournaments for points in July, October and December and then we have qualifying rounds next spring. I just need a partner I can get points with and if that's my mom then so be it."

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