Watchu Think I Play For?

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"I can't believe you're leaving me..." Viv sighs and falls back onto CJ's dorm room bed. The bed at Oklahoma University didn't have the same bounce at his bed at USC.

Viv, Christian and Kat had all decided to go move CJ into his new school in Norman, Oklahoma. Viv had taken the weekend off from practice, but knew she was going to end up playing volleyball somewhere along the way. Baker had met the Yelich's at the airport and not 15 minutes later at some steakhouse in Oklahoma City they had a very serious conversation on what was expected of CJ at his new institution.

With McCoy Mayfield heading to the NFL draft this year as the number one pick, now that CJ had dropped from the draft, OU was in desperate need of a QB and CJ was just the guy to do it. While no one really knew why this decision had come out of the blue the five people at the table did. With CJ transferring USC could not be probed or have anything looked into regarding CJ's time at USC. This transfer was the best and most complete cover my ass that Baker and Christian could come up with if anything every did come up about CJ doping through the regular season.

CJ didn't want to leave USC or even the state of California for that matter especially now that he was publicly dating Lena Mayfield, but he didn't have a say in the matter. Honestly, now that the worst of it was over CJ was actually pretty content with his future. His big announcement had absolutely rocked the football world. It was the most press and air time a college football player had in years. CJ had gained over a million followers on his social media and everyone (especially the blonde sorority girls at OU) knew who CJ Yelich was.

"Viv," CJ sighs not wanting to have this conversation with his sister AGAIN. "You know if I had a opinion in this I never would have left."

"I know..." Viv mumbles and looks around the same dorm rooms in OU's Athlete Village. "I'm just gonna miss you a lot."

CJ nods, "Its gonna be weird not seeing you for so long, but I looked at your schedule I'm gonna drive down to Fort Worth for your games against TCU and I think you'll be able to come out for my spring game."

Viv nods, "I'll make it work." Viv stands and goes to hug her brother knowing she needs to get going. Christian and Kat used their trip to Oklahoma as a way to get Kat and Viv into a tournament in Fort Worth for qualifier points.

The twins hug each other for awhile and finally CJ pulls away, "Viviana, I know you and Nolan have a weird relationship and there's a lot going on that I know nothing about, but just make sure-"

"What happened between MJ and I will never happen between Nolan and I," Viv cuts her brother off not wanting to hear the speech.

CJ nods, "Nolan really is a good dude. It sucks having him hate me as much as he does."

"Nolan doesn't hate you, he just doesn't trust you," Viv tries to explain the situation to her brother. CJ had never engaged Viv about how Nolan felt about CJ, but Viv did know that Nolan was equally disappoint about losing a friend. Especially since him and CJ had been getting along so well.

"Its all going to work out," CJ says and Viv knows that its reassurance for him and not her. She nods and the twins head outside so CJ can say goodbye to their parents.


Nolan watches the game on his phone as he drives to West Hollywood to spend sometime with Cy before his season started in a week. UCLA was play St. John's in their home stadium and they had sold out the game in less than 12 hours. Everyone was dying to see the Next Best Bellinger in action. Season ticket holders had actually brawled outside the ticket office making sure they got their seats.

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