The Enemy of my Enemy is my Boyfriend

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Brandi Wilkerson (above) is a beast and there's this video of her blocking and its what I imagine Viv doing in this. LMK if I should link it.

"Where you going Belli?" Nolan's teammate, Miles, asks as Nolan heads towards the door of the hotel room they had put up in for their stay in Hawai'i. Nolan turns and notices the other three guys who were hanging out in the room had also perked up to see where Nolan was off too early in the morning. The boys had gone to a quick lift at the UH Manoa fields and were getting settled in for their four days series against the Rainbow Warriors.

Viviana and the rest of the Women of Troy (USC Sand Volleyball) had got in the night before and were actually staying at the hotel across the street from Nolan and the rest of the Bruins. Viv hadn't let Nolan come over mostly because she was on strict lockdown. The UH sand volleyball team had moved up quickly in rankings and had smashed both UCLA and Stanford with ease. Viv knew she was going to have her work cut out for her during this tournament.

"Uhh, USC is playing UH at Queens," Nolan informs his teammates. The boys had quickly learned their way around the Waikiki area and also learned the local names for the beaches. The island vibe was dope, but Nolan could never see himself staying her long term.

"Isn't UCLA playing too?" Braydon, another teammate, asks.

Nolan nods, "yeah they play Stanford later today."

"Why you going to watch USC then?" Miles asks very confused why Bellinger was going to watch their rival school.

Nolan looks at the guys confused, "cause my girlfriend plays for USC...?" He thought they all knew after his story for the last week consisted only of him and Viv.

"Wait," Tyler, the third teammate in the room, pauses the conversation. "You're actually dating Viviana Yelich...?"

Nolan nods his head, "uhh yeah, we been talking for a minute, but I got that locked down."

The three baseball players look at their captain with wide eyes. Nolan swears he can hear their blinks. Then all of sudden they all jump up and cheer tackling Nolan to the ground in congratulations.

Miles bro hugs Nolan once they all get up, "my man! I did not know you had it in you to bag Yelich."

Brenna pats him on the back, "you're a god bro! We all swore she'd never date a baseball player again after MJ."

"I am both jealous and proud of you," Tyler says. "Viviana is a different breed..."

Nolan nods, "you could say that again. But shit dudes she's got me all fucked up. Like I ain't never had a crush that got me like this."

"SIMP NATION!," Tyler howls and causes all the boys to laugh.

Braydon clams the group down, "woah, woah. We gotta know... how's the head?"

Nolan shakes his head knowing Viv would kill him, but he had been dying to tell his friends about the amazing things she had been doing to him, "I'll say it, the Gluck Gluck 9000, cheat code." The boys all start cheering, but then let Nolan finish. "Pussy is immaculate, rides it like she owns in, I get so fucked up I swear I hear her moan in my sleep and it sounds like I'm stirring Mac n cheese."

The last comments sends the boys. Miles falls down and pretends to faint. Tyler starts jumping on the bed and Brenna puts his head in his hands.

"Alright, alright," Miles calms them down. The four boys made up the UCLA infield and they were some of Nolan's best and closet friends besides his brother. CJ used to be tight with the five of them until the Incident. "All jokes aside. We're happy for you two."

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