Bellinger Boys

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Viviana glances around Jackie Robinson Stadium nervously as the UCLA baseball team comes out for batting practice and the St. John's players head back into their dugout. She knows she shouldn't have come, but when Cody and Cy Bellinger sat on either side of her she was really regretting her decision to come to Nolan's home opener.

Cody slyly offers Viv one of the beers in his hand. It's 11:30...

Viv glances down at Cody's extended hand, "I won't tell Kat," Cody assures.

The beer seems to stare at Viv and she starts to decline the offer, but then Nolan walks up to the batting cage to take his swings. Viv snatches the beer and takes a few gulps, "thanks," she manages between her chugs.

Cy's eyebrows shoot up seeing Viv down the beer and he leans over, "Uhh, you need to relax..."

"I can't relax!" Viv snaps and crushes the empty beer cup.

Cy leans away, "Jesus fuck Viv. He's not gonna care that you're here. Its not gonna do anything to his play either so just chill out."

"If anything he might play better..." Cody adds from the other side of Viv. To Viv's disappointment Cody had been informed of the status of Viv and Nolan's relationship and he was the driving force behind Viv coming to this game.

Viv takes a deep breath, "you're right I just need to chill. He's not gonna care that I came." Viv decides that it's ok for her to be here, "plus he came to my game so its like returning the favor."

Cy looks at his dad with wide eyes. Cody shakes his head knowing this truth would hurt Viv. No one had the heart to tell Viv that Nolan never showed up for her first game of the season. Cy didn't know how to tell Viv that Nolan had actually had to go to the NCAA head office to finalize his draft paperwork. That would be two huge blows for Viv. Learning that Nolan didn't come and he was definitely going to the draft and leaving her.

"Yeah, see its all good," Cody says and pats Viv on the back. He had really started to love Viv once he got over his initial shock of her being a carbon copy of Kat. And after seeing how Nolan acted over winter break he also started to realize how essential Viv was for Nolan. Cody had even called Christian to see how Viv was doing. Turns out Christian had no idea his daughter was more than friends with Nolan, but now he does.

Viv takes another deep breath glad to have the beer to calm her down a little. Seeing Nolan was a little much for her. She was so attracted to him both mentally and physically that she really had to try not to jump the little fence and run to hug him. Viv had also realized that her feelings for Nolan grew everyday. They had talked a few times since their last night, but it had been pretty forced. She did appreciate his text after her and her mom had played together in Fort Worth.

Cody leaves to refill everyone's beer as the opening ceremonies begin.

"Nolan's birthday is coming up," Cy tells Viv.

Viv nods and watches Nolan screw around with one of his teammates, "Right he's a Pisces, March 7 right?"

Cy nods, "he's gonna be 21 so I was gonna throw him a party."

"Right and you're telling me because you actually want me to plan it right?" Viv infers.

"I mean... you said it," Cy shrugs.

Viv rolls her eyes, "Yeah we can do it together."

"When do you turn 21?" Cy asks realizing that while Viv acted like a 21 year old she most definitely was not...

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