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"Viv," Cy murmurs and pulls his girlfriend closer to him in bed. She groans and leans back into Cy signaling that she's awake. "I know you don't want to get up but you need to go to UCLA Medical today."

"I don't wanna go," Viv whines. "I want to stay in bed all day with you."

Cy sits up and brushes her long dark hair out of her face as she rolls over, "As much as I would love that and need that since I've barely seen you the last few weeks we both have things to do today. You need to go to treatment and practice and I have a game."

"Great, another day with no time to ourselves," Viv mumbles and rolls out of bed.

She had been back in the States for over a week and still had not gotten past heavy make outs with Cy. He was either at a game or traveling to one and she was always too exhausted when she got home. The transition from beach to indoor had not been easy. USC was absolutely killing her to prepare her for two seasons back-to-back. It got even worse when USC had been ranked number four in the national for indoor volleyball solely because Viviana Yelich, the daughter of Kat Bledsoe, was actually playing indoor.

Viv drug herself to the bathroom that her and Cy were now sharing and washed her face. Cy packed his game back and watched as Viv removed her shirt showing the bruising on her back from the cupping and graston the therapist had been doing on her very injured back. Cy frowned see how she still grabbed at her back and pressed a rib back into place after pulling a sports bra on.

"Viv, its not getting any better," Cy comments and comes up behind her lightly rubs her lower back.

"It was really messed up and is taking awhile. We can just got 0 to 100 it's a progression," Viv explains and leans back into Cy's hands.

"If would go faster if you just laid off a little in practice," Cy counters.

Viv glares at him in the mirror, "I'm only doing 50 percent right now."

"Your 50 percent is everyone else's 100, chill out a little more?" Cy says with a laugh.

Viv smiles, "alright fine."

"Thank you," Cy grins and leans forward to kiss her cheek. Viv turns into him to catch his lips and quickly deepens the kiss. She slips her tongue in Cy's mouth and wraps her arms around him. Cy kisses her back and drags his hands down her back resting them on her perky butt. He grabs at her and bends slightly to help her jump on the sink. Viv rubs her hands down Cy's chest feeling every muscle and get lower enough that Cy tenses. Viv lightly touches him, but nothing happens so she tries a little harder and still Cy remains soft.

Cy pulls away from Viv and doesn't look at her, "I'm going to be late and so are you," He doesn't look at Viv as he goes into the closet and gets dressed.

Viv clenches her jaw and throws her hands up in frustration before turning back to get ready for her long day.


Viv darted around the corner of one of the numerous halls in UCLA Medical. While she was a student at USC there was no better rehab facility for athletes than UCLA. Her mom had the twins here and Viv had grown up seeing a pediatrician here as well. She knew the facility well and had become all too familiar with the sports rehabilation floor.

"Hi Scott!" Viv greeted as she walked through the doors her therapist looked up from his spot on the floor and frowns at Viv.

"Viviana, you're late again," Scott reminds.

"I know, I know and I'm sorry lets get to it," She brushes off her therapist's obvious annoyance and heads over to one of the raised tables and takes her shirt off.

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