Take me Out to the Ball Game

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Nolan: Look I fr don't want to bother you, but I'm out of options... can you babysit Brooklyn for me tonight?

Viviana: No. The fuck I look like? A mom?

Nolan: V, pls I can't tonight.

Viviana: 1. Tonight it game 7 2. She's your little sister 3. Why can't Rose, Cody or Cy?

Nolan: 1. I kno I have to go 2. She's my half sister 3. My dad and Rose are flying to Europe for a vacation and Cy is literally in the WS...

Viviana: Fine, but she has to come to the game with me

Nolan: Perfect I can pick her up after.

Nolan: Oh you know I don't care, but can you try to be sober while babysitting?

Viv: 🙄 I'm taking a tolerance break anyway.

Nolan: Great I'll drop her off at the USC dorms.

Viv doesn't respond to Nolan knowing he'll be here in about 20 minutes with his five year old half sister. She hadn't really talked to him since her meltdown after game one. She kept up with their streaks and made sure to send him a meme every now and then, but she didn't know how to apologize for snapping on him. Viv also didn't know if she was really that sorry.

Nolan is an amazing guy. It made her sick sometimes to see how nice and thoughtful he is; especially to her... Viv didn't know how to act around me. Like he was so not toxic she got frustrated. Yeah, he is very attractive. Tall, abs, great smile and good hair. Deep voice and a chiseled jaw. Basically he checked every box for her, but there was just something that she just couldn't figure out that just didn't do it for her. She loved to kiss Nolan, but the thought of dating him was not usually a pleasant one.

Maybe friends was the best option for them... Viv thinks as she continues to get ready for game seven. She was only attending because her brother was throwing out the first pitch and Cy and MJ had started jawing with each other in the last game so hopefully Cy will knock him out.

Viv walks out to receive the child.

"So why can't you just take her to the game with her if we're all going?" Viv asks Nolan. She tries to ignore her quickened heartbeat when she sees Nolan holding Brooklyn who clings to his neck.

Fuck why is he so fucking attractive? Viv thinks as she tries to ignore how much she wanted to wrap her own arms around his strong, broad shoulders.

Nolan's eyes dart as he comes up with a cover, "I'm meeting with the owner of the Yankees and the Angels tonight..."

Viv's face drops even more, "Are you leaving after this season?"

Nolan shrugs, "I might... At least then I don't have to fight for the number one draft spot with your brother. I don't really see a huge point in staying in college when I can get a rookie contract like tomorrow."

"Yeah I guess..." Viv nods understanding where he was coming from.

"You sign with Nike yet?" Nolan asks remembering Viv had to decided between Nike and Mizuno as one of her endorsements.

Viv nods and bites her lip, Nolan tries to ignore the lip bite, but he lips are amazing, "Yeah I did this morning actually."

"Good, I'm happy for you," Nolan says and he means it.

There is an awkward silence as both the athletes try not to jump each other right there in the middle of the sidewalk. Of course the small child that is present helped that a lot.

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