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"Yeah just park in the drive a then hop the fence," CJ instructs Nolan over FaceTime.

"Why do I have to hop the fence again? This is my brother's MVP Watch Party," Nolan grumbles as he trudges to the side of the Yelich's house in Westlake Village. Christian has offered to host the party since Cy's apartment couldn't comfortably fit all his fans and family.

CJ puts Nolan on pause, but keeps talking, "gates broke and the caterers are blocking the front entrance.

"How'd the gate get broke?" Nolan asks as he sizes up the fence. He could definitely hop it easy if he hadn't worn relatively tight pants. Somehow Rose had convinced him to leave the joggers at home this time.

"Viv backed into last night in our dad's truck while we were trying to unload tables and shit," CJ says and Nolan hears him trying to fight off what he assumes is Viv. "Okay, actually I backed into it but Viv was directing me."

"Alright, whatever I'll see you in a minute," Nolan says with a long sigh. Tonight was all about Cy which was exactly what he wanted. Cody had been on him since the World Series ended to up his game to keep his current projected number one MLB draft spot. There wasn't much he could do since he was sitting out a lot during fall ball to keep him from getting hurt.

Nolan slides his phone in his pocket and lurches over the fence. He lands on the other side with a light thud. The Yelich backyard was pretty much what he expected manicured lawns and topiary, a fountain here and there and expensive exotic look flowers. The palm trees were tall and the walkways looked like he could eat off them. Cy had told him about Viv's house a lot since he had been drafted of course it was never Viv's house it was always Christian and Kat's place. Nolan couldn't believe the first time he came here it was to watch his brother hopefully take home the award his dad had back in 2019.

The sounds of forks clinking on plates can be heard in the distance and music that was barely audible hummed through the house and towards Nolan. He sets out across the yard and doesn't get four steps before a loud and aggressive bark comes from his left. A few more big barks are aimed at him. Nolan slowly looks to his left to see the three biggest Dobermans he had ever seen starring him down waiting for him to move so they could attack him.

The dogs looked mean with their pointed ears and shiny black and brown coats. All three were locked in.

"Oh shit," Nolan curses as the three dogs start barking in sync alarming the entire party of his intrusion. Nolan turns and books it towards the fence as the three guard dogs run at him. Nolan launches himself at the fence and grabs the top. He tries to pull himself over but his foot slips.

"Valkyrie, Ajax, Drogo!" A stern voice yells. "Get back."

The three dogs immediately heel and go towards Viv who had called the dogs off, "Wrong gate jackass," Viv mumbles as she pets each dog.

"Mean fucking dogs," Nolan says as he drops from the fence and tries to stop his heart from racing.

"They're guard dogs they're supposed to be mean..." Viv shrugs and turns back to the house as the three dogs tear off around the corner looking for another intruder to attack.

"Mean fucking girl," Nolan mumbles under his breath so Viv can't hear him. The two head into the party that had actually been going on for a few hours, but Nolan had a short fall ball game to attend.

Nolan greets his dad and Rose and the rest of the Yelich family. A bunch of other coaches from the Dodgers were there and some of the players. Cy and Nolan's travel team coach was there and even Cy's varsity coach from high school had flown in from Arizona. This was a huge deal obviously. Cy would win add an NL MVP Award to his Rookie of the Year, 2 time Silver Slugger, 3 time Golden Glove, 3 time all star, and World Series MVP. And he would do it before he turned 24. If there was one thing the entire nation could agree on it was that Cy had been playing amazing baseball since his first season in the pros three years ago.

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