Cute Couples

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Bryce Harper (Above) is a DILF

Viv shoots awake once she realizes that the beeping alarm was not apart of her dream.

"Fuck!" She yells and feels the knot in her throat that signals she might start crying.

Nolan jolts awake next to her, "What!?" He looks at Viv who is on the brink of tears. His immediate reaction is to reach out and hold her, but that wasn't the move last time so he asks again, "what?"

Viv turns of the alarm, "I have a huge tryout today in Irvine, I'm going to be late and CJ has my car."

Nolan runs his hands through his hair. He remembers everything from the party last night and also remembers how willing Viv was to sleep next to him. It took all his strength to ignore how she kept "accidentally" adjusting her ass right on his dick. Finally, she gave up and they fell asleep. He knew that his next actions would determine if he would get out of this stupid gray area with Viv.

Nolan takes one last look at Viv who is frantically texting, "get ready and I'll drive you."

Viv's head shoots up, "seriously?"

Nolan nods and pushes her out of her small dorm room bed, "yes now let's go."

Viv jumps up and runs around her room madly. Nolan swears he sees at least four nipples and her whole ass while she puts on spandex, a sports bra and a lose white shirt with large read USA letters across the front. She runs into the bathroom that is connected to her room and slick her hair into a bun and puts sunscreen on.

"Alright let's go!" Viv yells and grabs a water bottle and her duffle bag.

Nolan nods and jogs out the door behind her, "Fuck!" He groans seeing a parking ticket on his window. He snatches it and leaps into his Jeep.

"Gimme the ticket," Viv demands.

"Why?" Nolan asks and he takes turns a little too fast trying to get to the south bound lane.

"I'm gonna take care of it," Viv says.

Nolan nods, "thanks do you need anything to eat? Why are you trying out?"

Viv shakes her head as she digs around her duffle and for her reflective Maui Jim sunglasses that she had played in for over two years.

"No food I'll just throw up and its my team USA tryout. They wanna see if I can even match up with the people who are already partnered up. If I can do well enough today then they'll start trying to match me with someone, if not I have to wait another four years to play at the next level," Viv explains. "I have to do good today if they make me play another four years of Junior Olympics I might kill myself."

"You'll do good you were killing it yesterday," Nolan says and looks at Viv in his passenger seat. He hadn't seen her in all her gear. She looked really cute and intense. "Why can't you just qualify with Naomi?"

Viv sighs. She had been asked that question a lot, "as much as I love the girl she's good and we do well together, but even she knows she's not cut out for Olympic level shit. I hate to admit it, but Lena was the only one good enough to go with me."

"Who is good enough to play with you?" Nolan asks.

Viv shrugs and then laughs, "my mom, but we'd kill each other."

Nolan laughs at her joke. He drives as quickly as possible to Irvine they were lucky that the Sunday morning traffic was extremely light. Forty five minutes later Nolan parks the Jeep and Viviana jumps out of the car and towards the sand courts on UC Irvine campus.

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