A One Sided Rivarly

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Viv weaves through the tailgate crowd outside the Rose Bowl Stadium trying to find her family who should be tailgating closer to the stadium if they weren't already in the suite. USC and playing UCLA this weekend and the rivalry had made the whole game a lot bigger than it actually needed to be. Somehow UCLA had actually managed to put a pretty good team this year and was predicted to give USC a good game. Naturally the entirety of both universities had decided to show up for the game.

Viv could barely tell who was who as UCLA blue mixed with USC red. She had put on a skirt and bandeau to really show her school pride. It was this or wear one of CJ's jerseys and Air Force 1's and she wasn't really feeling like supporting her brother who had more or less been ignoring her for the past couple weeks. She knew it was because of the demanding football schedule but he usually made time to check up on his twin sister.

"VIVIANA!" A very familiar voice cuts through the crowd.

Viv freezes and realizes she's fucked up. She shouldn't have stopped now he knows that she most definitely heard him. She can't walk away. So she turns and faces Nolan Bellinger who is ducking and weaving through the crowd to get to her.

Nolan finally reaches the tall girl and wraps her in a one arm hug and then rests a hand on her hip. He was a little drunk so his thumb started rubbing the exposed skin on her hip. Viv looks hot Nolan deciders even though she is wearing Trojan red and gold. He admires how insanely pretty she is and wonders why she even spent two seconds on him.

Viv and Nolan hadn't made time to hangout because as classes started up again so did lift, practice, film, training table, study hall and of course a demanding sleep schedule. They were both lucky that they played spring sports and had a chance for an off day to attend the game.

"Hey," Viv smiles at Nolan and takes in is slightly drunken state. He has on light wash jeans and a blue UCLA tee. He had shaved recently and Viv was actually digging is baby face.

"Where are you going looking a cute?" Nolan asks and drops his solo cup a little so Viv can see the beer inside.

Viv tips the cup up and Nolan lets her take a sip, Coors, Viv chokes back a gag, "Just looking for my fam."

Nolan grabs her hand and starts to drag her through the crowd back towards where he came from, "Come tailgate with us my parents don't care if you drink."

Viv resists the urge to drive her heels into the ground as soon as she hears parents come out of Nolan's mouth. The last thing she wants is to have to talk to Cody or Rose, Nolan's step mom. The last time she had spoke to either of them was when Cy was drafted to the Dodgers and Cody and her dad had dinner to talk about the next steps for Cy. That was also around the time Cody had jokingly mentioned that she should date Cy. That dinner was also the time Viv had accidentally told Cody that his son was an asshole and to stop pretending like he didn't date her mom at some point.

It was all just a little weird knowing that at one point in her mom's life she dated Cody Bellinger, but thankfully Baker had played matchmaker and forced Kat and Christian together.

"Uhh, I don't think your dad likes me..." Viv mumbles and tries to escape Nolan's hand hold.

Nolan continues to drag Viv right up to the Bellinger tailgate. Viv pastes on a happy face and continues to search for an escape route.

"Viviana Yelich?" Cy smirks, "At a Bellinger tailgate wearing a USC shirt, Hell must have froze over."

Viv rolls her eyes at the MLB player. She hates Cy end of story. Cy had constantly tried to make moves on her when she was dating MJ, always found a reason to show up at the house, kissed her dad's ass and really wasn't as good of a baseball player as everyone thought. Plus he was actually stupid, always seemed to be drunk and used his status for all the wrong reasons. Nolan was definitely the better of the two brothers.

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