Go to UCLA

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Zana Yelich-Bledsoe (above)

Viv slumps through the halls of UCLA Medical and keeps her head down. She didn't want to see anyone here and it wasn't uncommon to see other athletes here especially on a Saturday morning. Viv didn't want to be here, but do to some medical history she had to participate in a biannual check up on her body. Her mom had REDs when she was playing and the condition had actually been treated so that Kat could have kids, but now she just makes sure Viv never has the same issue. Zana goes through similar testing at University of Wisconsin. It was precautionary, but also tedious.

Viv turns the corner and heads into one of the rooms. She jumps up on the table and the paper crunches underneath her. Viv swings her feet and looks around the room and resists to urge to mess with the equipment.

Her doctor knocks and comes in, "morning Viviana."

"Morning Dr. Rojas," Viv greets and lays back against the wall.

"How are you doing?" Rojas asks.

Viv nods, "been good."

"Good! Now lets get down to it because I know you have a big day ahead of you," Rojas says and starts tapping her iPad.

Viv rolls her eyes. Its Zana's engagement party today and she completely over the amount of decorating and shit that had been going on at the beach house.

"Ok, blood work looks great, your MRIs were clean, no broke bones or stress fractures," Rojas reads off. "Any pain when you play or lift?"

"No, just muscle soreness," Viv says.

Rojas nods and takes note, "what is your estimated calorie intake?"

"2,400," Viv says and then adds, "High carb, high protein and low fat and sugar."

"Your BMI is a little low, but that's due to the sport you play so I'm not concerned, but we'll watch it," Rojas says. "Regular period?"

"Heavy as shit once a month for six days," Viv sighs.

"Ok, I'm going to switch the dosage on your birth control to see if we can lighten that for you," Rojas says and scribbles a prescription paper for her.

"Sounds good," Viv says.

Rojas stands, "good to see you Viv and tell Zana congratulations."

Viv offers a fake smile, "will do."

She waits for the door to close and then hops off the table and basically sprints out of the room so that she can get the fuck out of the medical center.

"Oof," Viv grunts as she smacks into a solid road block.

"I'm so sorry," the road block says and grabs Viv's arms to steady her.

"Nah my bad," Viv replies and looks up. Fuck she curses to herself Nolan Bellinger was the last person she wanted to see right now. She did not need him asking any questions.

"Hey Viv," Nolan greets and drops his arms immediately and awkwardly rubs the back of his neck.

Viv smiles with her lips pulled into her mouth and looks around, "Hey Nolan weird running into you."

"Yeah same you good?" He asks.

"General check up nothing bad," Viv offers. "You?"

Nolan nods, "MRI on my Tommy John surgery. I'm two years out."

"Congrats," Viv says. "Well I think is it all good?"

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