Can't Leave em Alone

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Y'all might hate me at the end of this chapter oooooooooo well...

Cy Bellinger wakes up and rubs his eyes until the lingering thought of going back to bed was rubbed away. His voice is still hoarse when he answer's his brother's phone call. It was around 5 in the morning in Arizona right now so Nolan was probably up to go workout, but given that it was Sunday he was probably out partying or just got home.

"What's up Nolan?" Cy asks.

"Did you just wake up sorry bro," Nolan slurs on the other end. Definitely had been out partying.

Cy stretches in his bed, "no I've gotta workout at PS and then head to that California Strong baseball tournament for Yelich." Cy hates that the sun isn't even close to being up in Los Angeles. It is 4 a.m. so he couldn't be that mad.

"Are you gonna see Viv?" Nolan asks.

Cy knows something had happened between the two, but no one would spill. Either way it had to be pretty bad because this is the third time in two days that Nolan had drunkenly called to know if Cy was with Viviana. Each time he hadn't been. From what Cy had heard Viv was holed up in Westlake Village and had been since she got back from Atlanta.

"Yes, she texted me that she'll be there and we have the same workout time this morning," Cy admits even though lying would have made this so much easier.

"Cy," Nolan says over the phone trying to sound serious. "I did some simp shit tonight."

Cy stifles a laugh hearing his younger brother drunkenly admit shit to him, "what did you do Nolan?"

"I fucking followed the USC sand volleyball Instagram so that I could see Viviana on the gram because she blocked me on Instagram," Nolan says. "Bro I wish it wasn't true, but I went through the page and like all the pictures with her in it."

Cy rubs his forehead this was bad, "I just wanna know why she blocked you like what the fuck did you do?"

Nolan takes a deep breath and Cy can hear him trying to center himself, "I commented something shady on her post with CJ."

"Do I get to know why?" Cy presses.

"You know how we can't say anything about the MJ and Viv thing?" Nolan asks.

"Yeah is this on that level?" Cy tries to keep his drunk brother talking.

"Yeah, so CJ was doping and had a drug test and I had to piss for him," Nolan finally explains. "So then I realized like this shit was gonna keep happening if I am with Viv so I said no I gotta focus on me and your brother is fucking that for me. So I just broke up with her."

Cy sighs (LOL), "Nolan you're one of the stupidest mother fuckers sometimes. I know this shit is bad, but I know the Yelich family woulda had that shit handled if anything did happen."

"Whatever fuck Viv-"

Cy cuts his brother off, "don't say that shit. We know you don't mean it."

"I do though! Seriously I'm done with her like she fucking unadded me on snap and fucking blocked me like how does that make sense? She's acting like its my fault!" Nolan exclaims.

"So you aren't gonna get mad if I hookup with her?" Cy asks knowing this is a sore spot.

Nolan snorts, "fuck it bro I never fucked her. She don't put out anyway so good luck."

"Nolan, you need to go to bed and think about why you're actually mad at Viv and I'm pretty sure you're gonna figure out its because you still want to be with her and she's doing exactly what you asked for. CJ is a dick and has had everything handed to him by Yelich and Kat, but his fuck up is not Viv's. Don't make this decision based on something so stupid," Cy says trying to be grown up. He is 23 now maybe its time...

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