Daddy's Lessons

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Christian looks out of the massive front windows of the beach house his wife had built before they had any kids. The sun had been up for maybe a hour and the waves were rolling in periodically. He notices one specific surfer that had just paddled out and already caught a good wave. It was Viviana; she had always been a great surfer. Christian had always thought she should have gone to University of Hawaii where she could surf and play volleyball. Of course, Kat vetoed that idea because she wanted to be able to go to as many games as possible.

He sips is cup of coffee and turns away from the widow. Pictures of him and Kat cover the walls of the beach house. This was the place they really fell in love and learned how to be around each other. Kat started living here almost full time once Zana was born. They both realized at bout age three this was a place for vacations and weekend getaways. Kat and Christian had bought a bigger house in Westlake Village and had raised their kids there, but still came here from time to time. Christian smiles thinking of all the good memories in this house.

CJ stumbles out of his room while rubbing his eyes, "sup dad," he greets and drags his feet all the way to the kitchen where he sits and stares at the wall.

"Sup kid," Christian says and slides a cup of coffee to his only son.

CJ shrugs, "feel like shit."

"Look like it too," Christian counters.

The pair snort into their drinks. Christians had always had a good relationship with his son. They always got a long and a lot of that had to do with the fact they it was them against the other three girls in the family most the time. Christian had worked night and day with CJ to help him become the athlete he is today. He had always thought that CJ would crush his records in baseball, but as he got older everyone realize the big stocky kid might have been a better fit for football.

So, they sent Viv and CJ to live with Baker and Kathryn in west Texas the summer before high school and CJ came back a varsity quarterback and Viv had switched to sand volleyball. Kat never forgave Christian for that one. She always says that's when they lost Viv.

"Is Viv out on the water?" CJ asks.

Christian nods, "yeah she's been out for about a hour."

"I'm gonna go talk to her," CJ sighs and goes to stand up.

Christian places a hand on his shoulder and pushes him back down, "I got it."

CJ looks at his dad a little confused. Everyone in the family knew that Viv never talked to anyone expect CJ after a family argument. That was only because of their weird twin telepathy that made it so they didn't have to talk at all. CJ nods anyway and lets his dad try to take the lead on this one. He would be called for backup soon enough.

Christian grabs a beach blanket and heads out towards to ocean. Viv was just coming out of the water as Christian sits down by her stuff. He holds a towel out for her to she can dry off and they silent together in silence for awhile. Christian hears her sniffle and knows its not from the elements, but from her racing mind. He attempts to wrap an arm around his daughter and to his surprise she lets him.

"Viviana, you know why I can't come to your games and I apologize every year," Christian sighs.

Viv nods, "I know its because sand volleyball and baseball are both springs sports and you have to coach."

"I really am sorry, V." Christian says.

Viv nods, "its okay dad."

He knows its not, "Can I tell you a story about me and your mom?" Viv nods and Christian takes a deep breath, "When we first started dating your mom was wild. Like out of control most the time. If I had a dollar for every party story I heard about her and for every person who said something about her lifestyle and who she had dated I probably would have never need my Brewers contract-" Viv cuts him off with a little giggle.

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