Chapter 9: Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin

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The next two and a half weeks went by in a breeze, it was now October. For Scorpius Malfoy and Rose Weasley, these weeks were amazing. They continued to go to the library together every night, stealing glances while the other wasn't looking. Scorpius admired the way Rose's eyebrows crunched when she was trying to focus really hard. Just the way she looked when she studied. The focus and concentration in her face, it was beautiful to Scorpius. She thought similar things. The way his silver eyes moved when they looked across the page of a textbook. His eyes. They were so deep and mysterious, in a good way. Rose caught herself staring into them a little to often. She hoped that Scorpius wouldn't notice this, but he did. He did not mind it one bit, so he didn't say anything. The two just continued to do this every night. They were now friends.

But, today was Saturday, Quidditch day. The Slytherins had their first match of the season today. Slytherin vs. Hufflepuff. The whole school would come down to watch. Actually, it was the first Quidditch match of the season, for all four houses. It was a nice day. It was sunny, with a cool fall breeze. A perfect day for Quidditch. Scorpius was thankful for this. He was very nervous. He hoped he wouldn't have to play, (there was never a guarantee that he would in games), he was afraid that he'd be terrible. He already wrote to his dad and told him not to come, but Draco insisted. But, on the bright side, they would be playing Hufflepuff. There was almost a guarantee that they would win, Hufflepuff's Quidditch team had never been that strong.

Scorpius got up, threw his green and silver jumper on, and headed down to breakfast with Al. Albus was a tad bit nervous too. He would have to commentate. He had to report the game, (which was easy, he knew the sport like the back of his hand, he knew the game of Quidditch before he could talk), and be entertaining at the same time. Also, his mum would be coming up to listen to him commentate. His dad couldn't make it, he was in the middle of an important case. Ginny secretly wished that Albus had gone out for Quidditch, since Scorpius made the team, she thought Al could too. But, this was better than not having to anything with Quidditch at all.

The two boys ate breakfast, with people coming up to wish Scorpius luck. He wasn't used to all the attention. He continued to eat breakfast, grabbed his broom, and headed down to the changing room to change into his uniform. He changed, and then Rachel pulled the team together, and gave them the pre-game ritual.

"Okay. Slytherin vs. Hufflepuff. We should have this in the bag!" Rachel said.

"But, that doesn't mean we can slack. Just do everything like we do at practice. And make sure you follow my plays! I cannot stress that enough. If we follow these new plays, we should have the cup this year." Rachel continued.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Oh and Scorpius, we're going to treat things like usual. If one of us is injured, your automatically in. We'll do great today! I'm not stressed about this. This should be our easiest game of the season. A nice warm up game. Okay team, lets go!" Rachel finished.

With that, the team came out of the changing rooms, and walked out onto the crowded Quidditch Pitch. If Scorpius wasn't nervous before, he definitely was now. His eyes moved all over the place. He looked up into the stands, and there she was. For Scorpius, she was easy to spot. She was so beautiful compared to every other girl Scorpius looked out. She was clapping, sitting with the other Gryffindors. Then, she spotted him walking out with the rest of his team, and gave him a thumbs up and a wink. This made Scorpius's insides flop all over. He was definitely very nervous now.

"Good morning Quidditch fans! What a wonderful day for Quidditch! Welcome students, staff, and parents!" Albus said over the loudspeaker, with a fun tone in his voice.

Down on the field, Madame Hooch gave the typical pregame speech, while the captains scowled at each other. "Captains. Shake hands. (Rachel shook the Hufflepuff captain's hand, with a dirty look on her face), Now, I want a nice, clean game. You should know the rules by now." Madame Hooch said for the players to mount their brooms, and when her whistle blew, they could go. Madame Hooch did this, and with that, all the players blasted off the ground up into the sky.

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