Chapter 31: Herbology & Slytherin Quiddich Tryouts

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The first two weeks of 6th year went by good for Scorpius and Rose. They were always on top of their homework, and surprisingly, despite their amount of classes, they had a lot of free time. But, soon, the free time would be limited due to the new Quidditch season unfolding. Rose had already just started Quidditch practice for Gryffindor. She would continue to play in one of the Chaser positions. Their were only two changes for the team this year. Well, now that James was gone, it wouldn't be an all genetic dominating team anymore. So, Roxanne, who was now captain, had to find a new Seeker. But, to many peoples surprise, it wasn't a Seeker she had to find. Lily gave up her Chaser position to play Seeker. Only Rose knew this, but Lily had always wanted to play Seeker. Yes, she was a good Chaser, but, her and only Rose knew this, but she was an even better Seeker. She could find a snitch in under 10 minutes. Usually, on average, it takes a Seeker 45-60 minutes to find the snitch. With Lily as the new Seeker, this left Roxanne to find a replacement for a Chaser. At tryouts, a boy named Lorcan Scamander tried out. He was a pretty good family-friend of the Potter-Weasley kids. He was in the same year as Lily, and her and Hugo were pretty close with him. Their parents were pretty good friends with his mum, Luna Scamander, (Lovegood). He also had a twin brother named Lysander, but he was in Ravenclaw. Anyways, with the new Gryffindor Quidditch team all in place, they were ready to try for the cup again this year.

But, not all the teams were put together yet. The Slytherin team had their tryouts today. Scorpius was excited, because he already knew that he was going to play in one of the Chaser positions this year. But, he was looking forward to attending the tryouts, fly, and feel the wind in his face when he was zooming down the field with the Quaffle. His excitement started to show in Herbology that day.

"Scorp, be carful, your going to spill the soil!" Albus said as Scorpius was shaking while pouring soil into a pot.

"Yea, here, let me do it. It looks like someone's excited for their tryouts today." Rose said as she took the bag of soil from Scorpius. In duo Herbology, where all four house's students that got an E or above on their O.W.L.'s in Herbology, Scorpius, Albus, and Rose had been pairing up.

"Fine. I guess you could say that." Scorpius replied, with a smirk on his face.

"I don't get why your that excited. You already made the team!" Albus said to Scorpius.

"I know, but... it's just that, I haven't got to play in a while, and it feels to good to know that I actually have a real position this year. That's all." Scorpius responded to Albus's comment.

"How's it going over here?" Professor Longbottom said as he approached the two Slytherins and Gryffindor. Neville knew that Scorpius and Albus where friends, heck he had known this for 6 years now, but he was curious to know why Rose had paired up with them. He definitely knew that Rose and Albus where first cousins, but Rose was usually paired up with one of the girls in her year from her house. This made Neville very curious.

"Fine. All good." Rose responded before the boys could. Shoot. Had Professor Longbottom notice something. Well, at school, Rose had to call him Professor Longbottom. But, anyways, her father came up about once every two weeks to have drinks with Neville in Hogsmeade. If he noticed something between her and Scorpius, he would definitely tell her dad. She wasn't ready to tell her dad yet. He would totally blow the whole thing out of the water, especially if he found out from one of Rose's teachers.

"Oh, okay. Just holler if  you need any help." Neville said, and then walked away. That was a weird response. Rose was one of his top students, usually her answers weren't that short and quick. This wasn't normal. Something was up with her. He agreed to himself to keep an eye on her. For her parents. Technically, Rose wouldn't be alive if Neville hadn't saved Ron and Hermione from Nigini eating them. The memory had flashed back. It was May 2nd, 1998. The Battle of Hogwarts. He remembered Ron and Hermione, hand in hand, running for their lives from the snake. He couldn't let two of his good friends die that day. Not with all they had been through. So, Neville took the sword, and very powerfully, sliced Nigini's head off. The memory was then over. Neville would never forget that moment. Never. He would never let something happen to Ron and Hermione. He wouldn't ever let something happen to Rose. She wasn't acting normal. Neville would continue to keep an eye on her.

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