Chapter 8: Studying

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The next week had gone by as usual, except Scorpius now had Quidditch practice four nights a week. The Slytherins usually got the pitch to practice after dinner. Everything was going well. The first match would be coming up in 2.5 weeks, so they had to get as much practice in as they could. They would be playing Hufflepuff. Other than this new change, Scorpius's classes had all been going well and fine.

It was a Tuesday, and as usual, the fifth years had Transfiguration class. Scorpius proceeded to the class as normal. It was a normal day, what could possibly happen?

But, not all students were feeling as breezy as Scorpius on this day. For Rose Weasley, it had probably been the exact opposite.

She couldn't stop thinking about him! Since when did he play Quidditch? This just made another reason why she liked him. Then, she listed all the reasons why she liked him in her head again:

His Platinum-Blond hair shimmered in the sunlight
His mysterious, sliver eyes were nice to look into
He was very attractive
He was polite
He played Quidditch, the game she loved
And best of all, he was very smart! He liked to excel in class! Just like she did!

But, he was Scorpius Malfoy

She replayed this over and over again. She had to do something about it. She didn't know what yet, but she had to do something about this!

She then reached the Transfiguration classroom and saw him. This made her insides do a backflip. She was done trying to deny it, she had a crush on Scorpius Malfoy. She then was interrupted in her train of thought, when the Professor told them the assignment for the day. Rose couldn't focus though. She glanced over to the opposite side of the classroom. Those silver eyes were focusing so hard on trying to turn a toad into a quill. That was it. She had to do something.

Within five minutes of this thought, the Professor told them that's all they had to do for the day, and they were dismissed.

Rose then did something. Something she'd never thought she'd do. It was drastic. She had to catch him.

"Hey Scorpius." Rose said as Scorpius and Albus were heading out. Albus winked and then walked away.

"Oh, hey Rose." Scorpius said in response. Since when did she come up to him like this? What was this about?

"Um.. I was thinking I was wondering if you wanted to study with me in the library later.. after your done with Quidditch practice. I don't was just a don't have to." Rose said very awkwardly.

"Absolutely!" Scorpius responded a little to fast with much enthusiasm.

"Oh, great! Well. See you then." Rose said with a smile when she walked off. She did that. She couldn't believe she just did that. Did she really do that? YES.

Scorpius was flying over cloud 9 with emotions. Rose Weasley had just asked him to study with her! She didn't hate him! Scorpius was all loony the rest of the day. He couldn't wait for this evening. He replayed the scene over and over again in his head. The red head had came up to him and asked him this, and then her beautiful smile was plastered on her face! Oh that smile!

Rose also had the same feeling. She asked Scorpius Malfoy on a date. No, it wasn't a date. It was a study session. But, it still made her feel all tingly inside.

The rest of the day went well for the two teenagers. They both had a hot, warm feeling inside their chests. They couldn't wait for tonight.


Scorpius had quickly went to the changing rooms to change out of his Quidditch clothes. It had been another good practice. But, something way more important than Quidditch practice was on Scorpius's mind. He was really going to study with her. Wow.

He quickly made his way back to the Slytherin dorms, told Albus where he was going, and grabbed his books and headed for the library.

When he arrived, the curly red-head was already waiting for him.

"Hey." She said upon his arrival.

"Hey." Scorpius responded. The two continued to go find a table.

"How was practice?" Rose asked.

"Good." Scorpius said in response

"It still blows my mind that you went out for Quidditch this year. I always thought you and Al didn't like Quidditch." Rose said.

"Well. People can change. Besides, Albus is commentator this year." Scorpius simply said.

"What! He never told us that! I swear he never tells his family anything!" Rose had responded with a look of surprise on her face.

"What position do you play?" Rose asked.

"Oh, it's kind of complicated. All. I'm an extra. If something happens to one of our players, I fill in." Scorpius responded.

"That's cool. Anyway, what subject should we start with. I was thinking History of Magic." Rose said.

"That's fine." Scorpius said back.

And with that, the two excelling students got to their homework. They both explained how they study to each other. They both helped each other, explaining their theory on how to do it. Both were correct, obviously. They were both fascinated on how the other did work. (You have to remember, this is Rose and Scorpius we're talking about, their nerds, they like to study) :) After about two hours, they had complicated the work, and had a light conversation, while putting their stuff in their bags. Then, Rose noticed something in Scorpius's bag.

"You like to read?" Rose asked.

"Oh, yea." Scorpius responded.

"No, it's nothing to be ashamed of! I love to read! What are you reading?" Rose said, in shock that Scorpius reads for enjoyment. All the other boys she knew all hated reading.

"You like to read too! Al says I'm a nerd for it, but I just ignore him." Scorpius stated, with a different mood on his face.

Then, Scorpius took the book out of his satchel, and handed it to Rose. She immediately read the back cover.

"It sounds fascinating." Rose said as she finished the description on the back of the novel.

"I'll let you borrow it once I'm finished." Scorpius replied. Oh no. Was he being to nerdy again.

"That would be lovely!" Rose responded, with that beautiful smile plastered on her face again.

"Great, um, we should do this again sometime." Scorpius said, but with a bit of nervousness in his tone. Would she want to do this again?

"Definitely. Does the same time tomorrow work for y0u?" Rose asked, maybe blushing a tad bit.

"Yes. That works." Scorpius responded, maybe he was blushing a little bit too.

Then, they both got up, and headed their separate ways. They both had butterflies in their stomachs. They had really just did that. They both had a study session with their crush, learning more about them. As the night went on, they both just replayed this in their head. They couldn't wait for it to happen again tomorrow. They both went to sleep, having dreams about each other.

Author's Notes
Hey guys! I know this chapter was short and fluffy, but it was still cute to write. Oh my gosh. Over 100 reads! Thank you guys so much! Maybe you should leave a nice comment and vote. Just a suggestion. Anyway, keep looking out for upcoming chapters, and thanks so much for reading. Y'all are the best.


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