Chapter 15: Merry Christmas Scorpius; Part 2

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The witches then went on to planning on what Rose could get Scorpius for Christmas

"I don't know mum, I just want to do something special for him. He has done so many special things for me." Rose said to Hermione after she offered to help.

"Well, what does he like?" Hermione asked.

"I want to get him something sentimental. Something he will have for a while." Rose stated.

"Something sentimental. Hmm..." Hermione responded, deep in thought.

"What's something that's very special to him?" Hermione asked, and continued thinking.

"Umm, I don't think this will help, but his mum was very special to him. He tells me things about her. She seemed like a very good lady. I can tell he misses her very much." Rose said, with a sad look on her face.

"Yes, your on the right track! Let me think." Hermione responded. Rose and Hermione continued to think in silence for another 5 minutes.

"I have an idea!" Rose blurted out.

"Go ahead, I'm listening." Hermione said back.

"What if we got a necklace and enchanted it. I know it sounds crazy, but listen. We can get a necklace, like one of those lock chains, and enchant it, so when he unlocks the lock, an enchanted photo of his mum could come out. I don't know, it would be like he always had his mum with him, in a way. What do you think?" Rose said.

"Rosie, that's a spectacular idea! But, I can't enchant it without a regular photograph of her." Hermione said.

"Well, that's the challenge. I would have to write to Mr. Malfoy and ask for a photograph. Then, we can go and buy a chain and lock charm. (A/N: Okay, so I am aging this necklace like one of those e-boy chains with a little lock on it, not a locket. Sorry, I just thought I'd make that clear.) And last, we enchant it." Rose said with a determined grin on her face.

"Rose, that's brilliant! But, we can't do anything until you get a photograph. Christmas is next week, so we still have time. Once you have one, we can go to Diagon Alley and pick out a chain and charm. Oh, Rosie, I'm so proud of you. I think he'll love it!" Hermione said, as she kissed her daughter on the forehead, and then walked out of the room. Then, Rose went to her desk and got to work on writing a letter to Draco.

Dear Mr. Malfoy,

I know this probably the best time for you, but I have a huge favor to ask. Look, I've been great friends with your son this year. Scorpius has probably told you about me. He has made this year so much more enjoyable for me. Your son is one of the kindest, nicest, smartest people I've ever met. I don't know if you know this, but Scorpius got me a very nice jewelry set as a Christmas gift this year. He really didn't have to do that, but I greatly appreciate it. Anyway, the reason why I'm writing this is because I want to do something as equally great for Scorpius, but I need your help. Look, I know this is a lot to ask, but here it goes. I need a picture of your wife. Now, before you ask yourself why, it is because I have an idea, but it won't work without a photograph. That idea is, I would like to give Scorpius a Lock-chain, and enchant it, so when he pulls up the shackle, an enchanted picture of his mum will come out. I just thought it would be a nice idea, a gift from me to him. I just want to do something special for Scorpius. Again, he has done many special things for me this year, so I just wanted to something nice back. I completely understand if you can't. It won't be that big of a deal, I'll come up with something else. I hope you will seriously consider it though.

Merry Christmas,
Rose Weasley

Rose finished writing the letter, and sealed it in a envelope. She was extremely nervous to send it. What would he think? Would he think that it is a stupid idea? And, the biggest of all, what would he think of it coming from a Weasley? These thoughts just made Rose more nervous. But, NO! She had to at least try, for Scorpius. He would be so happy with this, Rose loved to know that she made him happy. So, reluctantly, she handed the envelope to Pig, and told him where to go.

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