Chapter 18: Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw

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Little time skip- It is now the second week of March

It was a Saturday, the second on in March to be exact, and Rose woke up to the sunshine coming through her dormitory window. She immediately got up, took a shower, and put on her Quidditch jumper. Today was their match against Ravenclaw, and if they won, they would qualify for the cup. Slytherin had been disqualified from the competition this year, due to the incident. And, Hufflepuff probably wouldn't win against Ravenclaw, so it was most likely that Gryffindor would play Ravenclaw for the championship, but they had to first play the normal match.

Rose quickly met up with Lily, and Lily noticed a big grin on her face.

"What did Scorpius do this time?" Lily asked kind of quietly as Rose met her in the common room.

"What makes you think this has anything to do with Scorpius? Maybe I'm excited for Quidditch today." Rose simply responded. Lily, her mum, and Albus were still the only people who knew.

"Oh come on. You would never have a huge smile because of a simple quidditch match. Heck, you wouldn't even be that excited if today was the championship." Lily smirked.

"Well, lets just say we went on a stroll last night." Rose simply said.

"Explain!" Lily whisper yelled.

"Um, he met me outside here last night, and instead of studying, he suggested that we went for a stroll. After we were outside, I said that my hands were cold. So, he decided to do something about it." Rose quickly whispered. Last night something new happened. Ever since January, Scorpius was found outside the Gryffindor Common Room more. He had decided to walk to class and things with Rose. He actually rarely was found walking without her.

"CONTINUE!" Lily whisper yelled again.

"So, we decided to interlace fingers." Rose said blushing. Last night was the first time Scorpius and Rose ever held hands. Their crushes had grown and grown after these past few months. Both wished that they could be in a relationship. But, they just couldn't. Their parents. It would never work out. They both wanted each others parents to be supportive.

"Oh Merlin's Pants Rose! You guys should just date already! You both clearly fancy each other!" Lily said excitedly.

"I've already told you a million times, we can't." Rose said, sighing.

"Oh, that's bull crap! The way you two stare at each other! If it's because of your parents, then I will physically send a hate howler to them stating every reason why you two are perfect for each other!" Lily continued. She had never seen her cousin like this before. Rose usually ignored guys liking her. Lily on the other hand, most of the time, half of Hogwarts knew who she was crushing on. But, that's beside the point. Clearly Rose felt different about Scorpius. Lily always knew Scorpius was completely fine. All the times he stayed at her house, he was really nice and polite.

"As, much as I appreciate your enthusiasm, just let it go for now, besides, we've got a game to win today." Rose said as James, Hugo, Roxanne, Molly, and Louis approached them and asked if they were ready to go down to breakfast as a team. Lily and Rose joined them, and quickly stopped talking about Scorpius.

The Gryffindor Quidditch team made their way down to the Great Hall, and sat at their usual spot. Rose sat in between Lily and Roxanne. James went on to talk about their strategy to win today, but Rose was very distracted. She saw a platinum-blond head walk in, and a set of sliver eyes lock with hers. Albus and Scorpius had walked over to the Gryffindor Table to wish them luck. Scorpius couldn't say anything about his and Rose's stroll in front of her family, so I gave her a knowing wink. When he did this, Rose thought her insides crumpled into a million pieces. She wanted to run and jump on him, and snogg him right on the mouth. She had never thought this kind of thought before. She wanted to snogg him. She pictured a scene with just him and her, intertwined in each other. Tasting each other. Just the two of them. In the middle of the snow, with gentle flakes falling in their hair. Rose quickly snapped out of it though.

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