Epilogue: Part 1

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💙💛 1 YEAR LATER 💚❤️

It was a beautiful, sunny, warm, June summer day. On this specific day, The Burrow was an especially busy place. Male cousins were outside setting up chairs, while female cousins were inside in Ginny's old bedroom.

Rose had a million thoughts running through her head. She knew that would be normal for a day like today, but, what wasn't normal was that they weren't nervous thoughts. They were exciting thoughts. Rose was thinking about from the point a year ago, when she graduated from Hogwarts, to now. It had been the best year of her life. Yes, it topped her Hogwarts years. She had scored her dream job as a reporter for The Daily Prophet. She passed all of her N.E.W.T's with top scores. And, the best part of all, was that she achieved all of these dreams with the boy of her dreams right by her side, supporting her all the way. Her and Scorpius had the best year together. They went on so many dates, making up for the lack of them in 7th year. They went to multiple Chudley Cannons and Puddermore Quidditch matches. And, Rose flipped out when Scorpius surprised her with a date that consisted of going to see Harry Styles in concert. Anyways, now, Rose couldn't wait for more things like these, because this was the day that she was going to start the next step of her life. Today was the day she was marrying Scorpius Malfoy.

"Oh Merlin's Pants Rose! You look stunning!" Lily said, putting on the finishing touch to Rose's look by placing a beautiful matching diamond and emerald wedding tiara that once belonged to Astoria Malfoy, in Rose's fiery red hair, that was pulled back into an elegant low bun, with a few curls pulled out to frame her face.

When Lily allowed Rose to look in the mirror, Rose's jaw dropped open, and she placed her hands over her open mouth. Lily was right, she did look stunning. Rose looked at herself in her beautiful, elegant, white wedding dress. It looked like it was made for her. Rose suddenly had flashbacks to the Graduation Ball that had happened about a year ago now. That was the last time she felt this beautiful. Rose couldn't stop staring at herself. Not only was her dress perfect, but everything else was too. Rose had never seen her hair this tamed and elegant looking before. With Sleak-eazy's help, her ginger hair was pulled back into a beautiful low bun, with a white tule vail and a beautiful  wedding tiara that used to be Scorpius's mum's. Unlike the other girls in her family, Rose decided to wear Astoria's tiara, instead of Great-Great Auntie Muriel's.

"Thanks Lils." Is all Rose could manage to say. She was still looking herself up and down, as she heard more people come into the room.

"Rosie! Oh Hermione, don't cry. You don't cry over these kinds of things!!!!" Hermione said as her and Ron entered the room.

"Oh, mummy, don't cry! You'll make me cry if you cry!" Rose said back, as she turned around to look at her mum and dad. But, before Rose could say anything else, Hermione's arms were wrapped around her.

"Well, the reason why we came in here was to tell you all that the ceremony is starting soon. You girls should probably head down there." Ron stated to all of Rose's bridesmaids that were in the room. Who were, the maid of honor, Lily, Roxanne, Molly, Lucy, Domonique, Victorie, and Caroline. At Ron's statement, they all gave Rose one more good luck, before exiting the room, and heading down to the venue.

"Rosie, you look beautiful." Hermione said, sitting down on the bed, gripping Rose's hands.

"Thanks mum." Rose replied, as she saw her mum try to flick a tear out of her eye quickly, probably hoping that Rose wouldn't notice.

"Scorpius is one very lucky boy. I just know you two are going to be so happy together. Me and your father just wanted to come in here and wish you two the best before the ceremony started. But, I should probably get down there, so your father can walk you down the aisle." Hermione said to her daughter, and then looking at Ron. Both Rose and Hermione saw that Ron was shedding a few tears.

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