Chapter 21: After

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As Rose walked away from Scorpius, she had the pinkest cheeks you could ever see. She just snogged Scorpius Malfoy. She did it. It felt so good. They locked lips. She ran her hands through his silky hair. She wanted to do a cartwheel through the platform. She was so happy. She decided to go find her family.

Scorpius watched Rose walk away. Did that just happen? Was that real? Had he just snogged the girl of his dreams? He did, and it felt so good. She tasted so good. He just stood there like a blushing idiot, trying to take in what happened. That had probably been the best experience of his life. Wow. Then, Scorpius felt someone approach behind him.

"Ready to go?" Draco said as he approached his son. Along with Lily, Al, Hermione, and Hugo, Draco also saw the kiss. Draco had come in the other end of the platform, and he noticed a Platinum-Blond hair boy was intertwined with a red-haired girl. Draco knew this was his his son because of the hair color. No one else had that white-blond hair that Scorpius and Draco had. When he first saw this, he was a little shocked. He had a general idea that the two fancied each other, but seeing his son snogging a Weasley still shocked him a bit.

"Oh, um hey." Scorpius said nervously. Had his dad just seen that? Oh, Merlin! What would he think if he saw his son snogging a Weasley? Scorpius stood there for a second, still blushing and smiling, and headed to go home with his father. Draco decided not to question scorpius about it, at least, for now.

Rose almost skipped to where she saw her mum and brother standing. Again, Rose didn't know that her mum and brother saw the snogg. When she approached them she had one of the biggest smiles on her face. Some one asked her something, but that didn't interrupt her from her good mood.

"What in the bloody hell was that?" Hugo asked, still shocked.

"Was what?" Rose responded, still in la-la-land.

"You know what!" Hugo harshly said back.

"Oh, it's just a nice day." Rose said smiling.

"Hugo, leave you sister alone." Hermione said with a grin on her face.

Hugo stood there in just pure shock for a moment. He then rolled his eyes, and Ron came back to greet Rose. Rose had been very lucky that Ron didn't see what just happened. She noticed that Hugo had a mischievous grin, and she shot him another if you tell anyone I'm going to kill you type of looks. She then fully realized what Hugo was implying. OH NO! Did other people see? She was abruptly snapped out of her la-la-land. What would she have done if her parents saw? Did her parents see it? Well, Rose came to the conclusion if her father would have saw, he would have made a scene. Rose eventually went back to the car with her family, and went back to dream land. Hugo shot her some looks, but she shot them right back.

Hermione had to take in what she saw also. Her daughter was snogging Scorpius Malfoy. Hermione knew that Rose and Scorpius had some kind of relationship, but it still surprised her to see her daughter kissing him on the mouth. Hermione then remembered her first snogg. She was 14, and it was with Viktor Krum. But, it wasn't that enjoyable. After, she felt guilty for some reason. Krum had kissed her, she didn't kiss him. It just didn't feel right. That wasn't really the best way to have a first snogg. Hermione was just happy that her daughter was happy, and that was all that mattered.

Once the Weasley's got home, Rose ran upstairs and flopped on her bed. Today had been one of the best days of her life. She replayed the scene over and over again. It was like she could feel and taste him at that exact moment. It had only been a few hours and she already missed him. Rose just laid there, until she heard a knock at her door.

"Come in." Rose said, not getting up to see who it was.

"Hey, Rosie, can I sit down." Hermione said as she entered her daughter's room.

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