Chapter 32: The Double Date; Part 1

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A week had passed since the Slytherin Quidditch tryouts. Scorpius and Rose both had Quidditch practice mostly everyday. They didn't get to see each other as much, but when they did get free time in the evenings, they spent it together in the library studying. They liked to do this, this was actually the thing that brought the two so close together, but, they both wished they had more free time to simply spend with each other. But, to their hope and desire, the first Hogsmeade trip of the year was coming up this weekend. They both already knew that they were going together, and they looked forward to it.

While Scorpius and Rose were so wrapped up in each other, this left Albus more alone time than ever. Don't get me wrong, Al was happy that Rose and Scorpius found each other, and that they were so happy, but, Al had more spare time to just kill by himself. Pretty much all of his friends, family, and room mates, all had girlfriends, and they spent pretty much every waking moment with that person. Albus was pretty much one of the only 6th years left that didn't have a significant other. He hadn't even had his first snogg yet. Heck, he hadn't even asked a girl out before. But, it was pretty lonely being  by yourself all the time. Albus did have a crush though. Caroline. Albus developed a crush on her over the summer, while she stayed with his family. There was just something about her. Like a feeling. Al had never had that feeling about a girl before. Sure, he had small little crushes in the past, but nothing like this. Albus thought to himself for a minute. He had to ask Scorpius about this. I mean, Scorpius was really happy with his cousin, so he was doing something right. Al made a pact to himself that he would ask Scorpius for his advice when he came back to the common room for the night.

Within a few minutes, it was about 9:00 at night. There was still about 15 people in the common room. Scorpius came through the tapestry with a smile on his face. Every night when he came in, he always had that grin on. Albus looked up from his textbook to see who it was. When he realized it was just Scorp, he looked back down. Scorpius walked over to the table Al was at, and sat down. Albus didn't even look up, but he said something.

"How was your study session." Albus asked, maybe letting out a slight smirk.

"As great as usual." Scorpius responded in dreamy tone.

"You still don't have that done?" Scorpius added as he noticed that Albus was just starting on the Charms essay that was due in less than 12 hours now.

"No, I don't. Unlike you, I don't have a natural knowing for every subject, so it takes me a while!" Albus responded in a snippy tone. The truth was, he was a little jealous of Scorpius. He got excellent grades, was a Prefect, played Quidditch, and had a girlfriend. Albus really didn't have any of those things.

"Oh, okay, jeez, sorry." Scorpius said, putting his hands up in surrender. He noticed that Albus was acting more harsh than usual. Well, Al wasn't usually in a cheery mood, ever, but this was different. Something was up. He wanted to know what was wrong with his best mate. If it wasn't for Albus, actually, he would have never been with Rose, the girl of his dreams. He had to know what was up.

"Hey, what's up? Somethings wrong. You can say." Scorpius said as he closed Albus's open textbook to get his attention.

"I was in the middle of reading that!" Albus said as he looked up for the first time. Scorpius that he looked like he was in a bad mood. What did he need to be in a bad mood for?

"And you can go back to it when you tell me what's up. Now, spill!" Scorpius demanded. Scorpius wanted to know what was wrong. If it wasn't for Albus, his school life would be much different. He probably wouldn't have any friends at all, probably wouldn't have went out for Quidditch, and definitely wouldn't have a girlfriend. He genuinely wanted to know what was wrong with his best friend.

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