Part 17: StoryCon (flashback)

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I arrived at KDiamond Film Prod at 9am. I had breakfast with Ms. Coo first at the café on the first floor while we wait for the story conference to start.

I texted Lisa that I am here now and she wished me goodluck.

"Jennie, I have read their draft this morning. I doubt you're taking this project. Lisa might kill me." Ms. Coo worriedly told me.

"Hmm. Why? What is it all about?" I was curious.

"Jen, it is a strong film with strings of nudity. But storywise, it's very compelling. If you are going to accept this, make sure you let Lisa read the whole script first. I know I'm your manager, Jennie. But we must also think how Lisa would react." Ms. Coo is very charming. Though I got a little nervous when she said it has a bit of nudity. But I trust her. I must. I already trusted her about my relationship with Lisa and she is actually happy for us

"Hmm. Nu- nudity? Let's see how the story goes later. I am thinking about Lisa as well. I don't know how she would react. Hopefully she's open about it since she is starting to be a director. So I guess, she will agree." I defensively uttered. But honestly, I am scared of what Lisa would say.

We went up to KDiamond Film Prod's meeting room. Everyone greeted me with so much respect.

"Hello, Ms. Kim. Let's start?" Mr. Alexander Sung, the producer started the storycon.

"Ok Jennie. The working title of this film is "Max". Maxine is a poor 17 yo girl. Her mother has no job and the father sells herbs in the market. Maxine's brother has leukemia. As much as they wanted to medicate him, her parents' money are not enough for the chemotherapy. A friend offered a job for her. You know, at the Red Light District-- as a waitress. She took the chance til she met the rich Timothy. Timothy fell in love with her, they got married, sex all night with different explorations. With Tim's help, she provides financial assistance to her family and as well as to her brother's medication. As time goes by, Tim became different. He brings different girls at home from time to time and fuck them in front of your character. One day, the husband wanted to explore some dirty stuff, Maxine is not in favor of it. Her husband is hurting her already. Max slowly loses her patience and killed her husband as self-defense. Tim's family sought justice for him. The case made Max struggle with her life. She experienced a lot of pain, discrimination and scandals before she won the case." Mr. Alexandrr told us the story.

I was amazed! Drama and Life! I wonder who wrote it.

I looked at Ms. Coo and she too is amazed with the story.

"Wow! I'm speechless. I'm taking the role." I positively said.

The production is really happy. Shoot is four weeks from now.

When I came back to my senses, I realized I haven't consulted with Lisa yet. Damm!

"Uhm. Wait. I need to inform Lisa about this first." I impulsively blurted out.

"Yes, Mr. Alex. We need to talk to LM first." Ms. Coo added.

"Ok. No worries, Ms. Coo and Ms. Jennie. Actually, the story is written and will be directed by Lisa. That smart woman made this story when she was just 16!" Mr. Alex told us how amazed he is with Lisa.

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