Part 30: The World Is Bringing Us Closer

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A year has passed again. Jennie and I barely see each other after that night, I mean just both of us together. The last time I saw her was when I directed her TV commercial again for a perfume.

I have really been busy this year.  Shoot and editing and shoot again. But I can't complain. God is so good to us. I have more than two hundred employees in my company. I must work hard.  I keep hiring people and especially the promising ones. I also added two film directors in my company.

Once again I am offered to be the cover of Vogue Korea. The article's headline "FILM + BUSINESS + FASHION". Also got an endorsement for hotels, pen, coffee shop, and also Leica camera.
Leica saw the my trending photo at the dumpling restaurant with Jennie. Maybe they notice I'm using their brand as my camera at the photo.
I accepted their offer too as their Brand Ambassador.

"L, Chanel endorsement again. LGBT theme." Jisoo called me.

"Okay. If it fits my sched. I think you can tell." I said. I have given Jisoo the authority to approve it or not as she's the one handling my sched.

"Yeah, I can squeeze it in next week. But You're paired with Jennie here. For all, TVC, Billboard Print and Magazines. You okay?" Jisoo asked. Look how destiny is bringing us closer. 

"Yeah, sure! Do you have Jennie's number? Send it to me." I don't know but I am excited. Will work with Jennie again. Jisoo sent her number and I texted her.

L: Hi. Excited to work with you for Chanel next week. Hmmm. Would you mind if I invite you for coffee tomorrow?

J: I'm sorry but my little boy is sick. I have to take care of him.

L: Yeah, I understand. I hope Civ's gonna be okay soon. Just let me know how can I help you. See you next week!

J: How about you? How are you? You look good on Vogue's cover.

I called her. She answered my call.

L: I'm good. So you saw it! It's such an honor to be praised by the Jennie Kim. 

I'm smilling while talking to her.

J: Crazy. You did a great job! You always do.

L: I missed your voice over the phone.

J: Really?

I could hear her little boy at the background.

L: Yes, and I missed you as well. Is that Civ?

J: Yes. He's asking for milk.

L: Okay, you better give him his milk. I will pray for his fast recovery. Good night Jen.

One fine morning, I feel like I'm up for an exercise. I went outside for a jog. When I say outside, I mean roads with concrete buildings and busy streets. I never thought of people might notice me. I just want to be free today to jog and take random pictures on the streets. So have my camera with me too strapped on my neck. I have no work today so let me do what I want.

After taking enough laps, I decided to have coffee and breakfast at Starbucks. When I entered the coffee shop, I saw a young boy sitting at the corner while I am falling in line. He is smilling at me. I took a photo of him. This baby is so cute! I think he is two or three years old. Tall kid. When it's my time to order, I saw his nanny took her order and they're about to leave the place. He waved goodbye to me and I did too. My heart melted.

When I came home, I viewed his photo and I can't resist him. I decided to activate my social media accounts and posted his photo online with a caption. "You have captured my heart and made my day, young man. 🖤"

I had my alone time finally! I watched movies, wrote stories and cooked for myself. I know I'm bad in cooking but I tried.

While I am having coffee at my veranda, looking at the peaceful view of the lake in front of my house, someone is calling.

Jennie's calling

"Hello Jen. What's up?" I answered with joy.

"Lisa, so you activated your Instagram, huh?" She asked. Wow. Out of the blue, she called just to ask that.

"Yes Jen. Because this cute little kid at Starbucks this morning took my heart away. So I had to post his picture. He smiled at me first and then waved his hand when they left. He's so handsome right?" I asked with excitement on my voice. I couldn't stop thinking of the kid.

"Of course. See you on Monday for our shoot." She said and dropped the call.

After that, I opened my Instagram and got more than 3 million notifications. I saw people commented on that boy's photo I posted. The photo has 3.6 million hearts.

My eyes went shock reading their comments:

"Like mother, like son. Such a cutie."
"Jennie's so lucky to have Civ."
"So does Lisa already accepted his son?"
"Look at his eyes and lips. He got them from Lisa."
"I believe he is Lisa's son."
"I'm waiting for a family photo to be posted soon!"
"Cutie Civy"
"#JenLisa is back in real life, bitches!"
"The intersex got great genes, huh!"
"Jennie's son is so adorable."
"Look at the mirror, Director L. He looks like you."
"Looks like Lisa Manoban's face is photocopied."
"Told you he's not Luis' son. They were never a couple."
"Jennie never had a relationship with Luis.Come on!"
"Does Director L knew he's her son?"
"Wait. Is he Lisa's son with Jennie?"

and more.

Felt like time stopped. I don't know if I should call Jennie. I looked for my baby pictures and compared.

"Oh, shit! We look very much alike!" I got nervous.

I visited Jennie's profile and saw Civ's photos. Confirmed, he is Jennie's son.

"And he's my soon too?" I asked myself.

I suddenly became sad. I remebered how I denied him. I almost melted in regret. I was young and dumb. I was so immature to be eaten by shallow reasons and just got mad at Jennie just like that. Why did I doubt it when she told me she was pregnant with me? Why did I have to think that she had a relationship with her love team? Why did I have to be childish?!

"I have to confirm it with Jennie." I whispered to myself.

I have seen so many articles about me and Civ.
"Civ found his Dada!"
"Blood is thicker than water, Director L?"

Days passed. I could not even sleep right at night. I think of Civ and Jennie. I can't get Civ out of my mind.

I texted Jennie one night for I really couldn't stop this guilt in my heart. "Is Civ my son?"

I'm suprised Jennie still replied at eleven in the evening.
"Until now you're asking. You've never changed. He's my son."

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