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Trixie's POV

I just stood there like a jackass. I don't know what will happen to me after this. I don't know what she will do to me. What if she kills me? Make me a human punching bag? Or worse.. a sex slave.

The girl, Katya I think is her name is inside the office of the head of the black market. She probably is signing some warranty.

See, if you've been sold here, the bidder should sign a warranty. It means that if you tried to escape, disrespect or hurt that one who bought you, he/she can sue you or... kill you.

"Miss, please follow me." The guy in a tuxedo said and I followed. I don't want to be punished on my first day. My dress is really short so I tried pulling it down but its no use.

We walked outside the black market and there I saw Katya waiting for us outside a black limo with a smirk on her face.

"Hi, Miss Trixie." She greeted me but because I'm a fearless bastard, I didn't acknowledge her and it's also a part of the warranty. This fucking pride would be the cause of my death I swear.

I felt her coat being laid on my shoulder then she walked to the other side of the limo. She lent me her coat? Did this came from the heart or is this just a show?

"Hey! Here!" I tossed her coat back. I really don't appreciate help from some demon. "I don't need that."

She just smiled at me and got inside the limo. This bitch is irritating!

The man in the tux, I think that is her butler, just picked up the coat and we continued walking. What? We're not gonna ride the limo?

We walked some more and I saw another limo at the back of the limo where shit-head is in. Damn, she really is a billionaire. What is her job tho?

"Miss Trixie, we will ride this limo." Her butler said and I just nod my head and smiled at him. I'm still irritated to his boss. I don't like her.

"Miss Trixie, please don't worry so much. Miss Katya is a kind person. Just don't annoy her." Her butler said and I just smiled at him as a sign of respect because he is kinda old. I'm not worried sir, I am mad.

"By the way, i am Butler Mark Miss Trixie. It is my pleasure to meet you." I shook his hand and smiled. He is the only kind man I have met in my whole auctioned experience.

"Nice to meet you too, Butler Mark. But if you don't mind me asking, where are we going?"

"We are gonna go to her house. The mansion, Miss Trixie."

Mansion? So that arrogant bitch is really rich huh?

Of course Trixie, she bought you for ten million dollars remember? Duh.

I was silent the whole car ride. I am thinking of ways of what Katya would do to me. What would be the consequence of her buying me. My mom should've killed me instead of selling me into a black market. All I want is a peaceful life and go to college, she should've just killed me if she doesn't want me.

Minutes later, the limo got inside a village.

Wow, houses in here are huge.

"The houses in here are beautiful, Butler Mark." I commented and he just smiled at me.

"This village is exclusive Miss Trixie. Celebrities like Mariah Carey and Barrack Obama lives here. Miss Katya's house is next to Beyonce's house." Butler Mark replied and I just looked outside and adored the houses some more.

The limo stopped and BAM! I thought i was at the White House but no. This house is huge. It's a vintage style mansion and no words can describe how beautiful this house is.

Sold for Ten Million Dollars (Trixya Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now