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Trixie's POV

"Trixie, are you sure about this? It's hard to serve Ms. Katya." Butler Mark has been explaining to me the consequences of agreeing to this personal slave to Katya for an hour now.

"I'm fine Butler Mark. Just enjoy your vacation trip and bring me souvenirs okay?" I smiled at him and he reciprocated the smile. They're about to leave. They're gonna ride the mini bus that has a family crest engraved on it. They'll be gone for 2 weeks so that means I'm going to be alone with my 'boss' for 2 weeks. Ugh, I am so pissed at her. Maybe I should just poison her.

"We're going now Miss Trixie. Thank you for doing this." One of the maids said and I just smiled at them while they're climbing the bus. I waved them all goodbye until the bus was nowhere in sight.

I am wearing a pink maid dress. This is different from the usual uniform that the maids here wears. That's black and red and I wear pink. Is that bitch color blind?

"So what should we do now?" I turned around and I thought i'm in hell because I saw a demon but no, it's only Katya.

She looked at me and smirked again. She really is trying to piss me off.

"B2, go and make me some juice!" Stop calling me B2! Ugh. I just walked away and walked to the kitchen to make her some juice. I have a lot of thoughts. What if I add rat poison in here? Or bleach? Or maybe a salt?

But no, I wont do it. I'm scared of what she might do to me. We're the only people in this mansion and it scares me so much. Because duh, she's a maniac.

After I finish making the juice, I walked towards the living room with her juice on my hand and tried to find her.

Look to the left (-_- )

Look to the right ( -_-)

There she is.

Should I go there?


Because she's in the pool.

With just her sports bra and *gulps* trunks on.

Oh abs.

Don't come closer Trixie!!

She's a man whore! Don't be deceived by her abs!

She has no heart!

I slowly walked backwards as I try to get away from where I was standing where she can basically see me anytime soon.

That's right, keep going Trixie.

Faster before she sees y--

"Hey B2! Where's my juice?" My hearts started beating fast. Do you know the feeling like someone is following you while you're walking in a dark way? That's what I'm feeling right now.


Look in to her face Trixie. Not anywhere else. Face. Only. Trixie.

I faced her and she is now wearing a robe. I sighed and walked towards her with my head facing down. I became shy in an instant and I don't know why.

I hand her the juice and was about to walk away but I didn't had the chance to do that because she held my wrist. What does she want now?

"Do you need something, Sir?" Sir, I know she's a girl but she has a penis so I called her Sir instead of Ma'am. And I also called her Sir so that she'll think that i'm being a good girl.

"What did you call me?" This deaf bitch.

"Sir." I smiled slightly just because I had this feeling that I am annoying her.

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