Twenty Seven

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Third Person POV

"Yekaterina! Sis! Open the door!" Alaska knocked on Katya's door harshly. It's been 2 days since Trixie left and it's also been 2 days since Katya is locked on her room and not coming out.

So much drama.

They don't also know why they can't trace Trixie. It's like Trixie just disappeared on their radar just like that. All the reports and news is gone, even their information is nowhere to be found.

What hurts Katya the most is the fact that it will be much more harder to look for Trixie than before. Harder because she's really gone.

She lost her once, not again.

But what can she do?


"Katya!" Alaska has been visiting Katya for 2 days straight also. She knows that what she did was wrong but she expected her sister to move on, live the life just like any other day.

"Miss Alaska, I think we should just leave Katya alone so she can think. I know that you know what is happening." Butler Mark said.

Alaska just glared at her and walked away then went to the kitchen.

Alaska is a little bit furious that Katya is not taking care of their company anymore. It's like she is letting all their efforts to waste just because Trixie is not around anymore.

"Miss, do you need anything?" Butler Mark asked. The door is the boundary for all of them, but Katya only answers Butler Mark.

Their Dad knows what is wrong, but he can't do anything because his child is already a grown up.

And he knows that he and their mother didn't raise them to be dependent on them. It just doesn't work that way.

"No. Did they find something?" Katya asked from the other side of the door. Her voice is a little bit rough. It shows that she is already stressed about all the things that is happening.

She can't understand a lot of things.

Why did it have to go this way?


She can't seem to think why Trixie left just like that. Yeah, they fought. But is that it?

So their love isn't that strong for her to hold on and stay?


Three days has passed. Five days since Trixie left and still, no news about her.

Katya still doesn't go to work.

Alaska visits and pesters Katya every single day by going to her house and knocking non stop but nothing changed. She still won't budge.

"Maam, your sisters bodyguards and butler is asking a lot of questions already. What if they find out?" Alaska's PSG asked. They are the only ones that knows what Alaska did. And they're also the one who is hiding all the information that is related to Trixie.

"Well shut up! They are not allowed to know anything! That's it, simple as that!" Alaska answered irritated to her PSG. Her PSG's are nervous already because they'll be dead once Katya finds out everything but it's also their perks since they can blackmail it to Alaska.

"But Ma-"

"What do you need?! I'm gonna raise your pay but they won't know anything!" Alaska said. She knows what they need, so she doesn't have any say to it anymore.

She just left. She doesn't know what she should do to drag Katya out of her room.

Acting like a love sick puppy.

She grabbed her phone and dialed the number of the person that she wants to talk to.

"Hello?" The person answered on the other line.

"Hi Trix! So how's Paris? Are you entertained in there?" She asked. This is the first time that she called Trixie because she's just making sure that no one can trace their exchange of calls.

"It's okay in here. It's entertaining. But-"

"Katya's gonna be married next week!" Alaska butted in quickly when she sensed that Trixie is about to say something that can irritate her.

Trixie then went quiet on the other line.

Alaska just smiled.


Her call with Trixie is just short. She doesn't want the conversation to get long because she's worried that it may end up somewhere that can make her mad.

She went straight to the doctor, then after that she recieved a call from an unexpected person.

From a person who she almost can't recall.

"What do you need?" She asked with a serious tone. She hid her shocked reaction.

"Where is she?" She knows that that is what the person's gonna ask her. What if they see each other in Paris?

Sold for Ten Million Dollars (Trixya Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now