Forty Two

415 16 86

• Third Person POV •

"Okay class, who has another interesting story that would like to share?" Little Katie's teacher asked.

"Me! Me! Teacher me!" Little Katie raised her hand and wiggled in her seat.

"Okay very good Katie. Come here in front and tell us your story."

Katie speed walked in front of the class to tell the whole class her story. She really is so hyper that's why sometimes, Katya is having a hard time taking care of her, but even though that's the case, she loves Katie so much. Of course she would. It's her exact photocopy, just a younger version. And she's the result of Trixie and Katya's love.

Katie stands straight in front of the class.

"My story is about my mom..." she cleared her throat " mommy loves my mom so much. When I aged 3, she keeps on telling me stories of my mom- that she's sweet, nice and beautiful. That's why I grew to love her each day. My mommy says they almost never got married, but she was a superhero—"

"Your mommy is a superhero?" one of her classmates asked with great amazement.

"That's what she tells me. Anyway, my mommy is a superhero, she searched for my mom when she ran away from mommy. Because mommy says, she's been a bad girl and hurt mom so much. But later on, they found each other's arms. They got married and mom swallowed me—"

"Katie your mom didn't swallow you, she got pregnant." Her teacher interrupted and the whole class errupted with laughter.

"Yeah, that's the same. So after mom got PREGNANT, something bad happens..." the whole class got quiet, "...some bad guy shot my mom."

"What happened Katie?" One classmate of her asked again.

"The doctor told my mommy that she has to choose someone, it's either they save mom or the baby girl. The doctor can't save both, so mommy cried. The bad guy got arrested several days later."

The whole class was silent, until the bell rings signalling them that class is dismissed and that they may now go home.

Katie immediately ran out of her classroom because she fully knows that someone is already out there to fetch her.

"Katie!" Katya said while walking towards her daughter. She's the one who gets her daughter after class even though office works are hectic.

"Mommy!" She then hugged her mother immediately.

"Let's go?" Katya carried Katie and put her inside the car in the passenger seat.

"Mommy are we going to eat at mom's favorite restaurant?" Katie asked her mommy while her mommy is busy putting on her seatbelt.

"Yes Katie, and I know it's your favorite restaurant too." Katya said then kissed Katie's forehead.

"You know mommy, I was telling a story about mom in my class." Katie said.

"What did you tell them?" Katya asked while she's smiling.

"That she's pretty, she's kind, she's thoughtful, she's caring and that you love her."

Katya's smile widened. Her love for Trixie is immeasurable, and it grew even more when they were able to make Katie.

"You wanna buy something again?"

"Nootthhiinnggg..." then she smiled mischievously. Katya fully knows that her daughter wants something.

"We'll buy it later, okay?" Katya said then they stopped at their first destination. "Get out now baby." Katya said to her daughter. They both got out of the car. They started walking with Katie carrying white roses.

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