Twenty Six

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• Third Person POV •

"So how is your sister doing?" Mr. Kirk asked his first born. He just got back from a business trip outside the country and he thought of visiting his first child while he is around.

"I don't know dad, she's fine. I think. She said she's been meeting her doctors." Katya said.

"Are you still with your girlfriend? How is Alaska coping up with her?" Mr. Kirk asked because he knows that Alaska doesn't like Trixie. And at her condition, she might do something that is not good to Trixie.

"I told you dad, Alaska is fine. She's a grown woman." Katya said, getting irritated because Trixie's name has been mentioned again.

"Whatever you say Yekaterina." Mr. Kitk said and they proceeded in talking about business, but her father knows that she can't focus on her work right now.

Minutes later, there was a knock heard.

"Yes Butler Mark?" Katya asked.

"Excuse me Miss, but this is important." Katya knew all too well what Butler Mark is saying. She immediately got up and left her father in the study room to talk to her butler.

"What is it?" Katya asked.

"It's Trixie, she leaving the country." He said.

"What?!" Katya shouted which echoed all througout the house.

"The news slipped into us. She's about to board the plane and it's a one way trip." Butler Mark said, nervous on what Katya would say.

"Where is she going?!" Katya asked while scratching her head. She doesn't know if she's going to be mad or nervous.

"They won't give us the information."

"What time is she leaving?"

"9 PM Miss." She looked at her wrist watch.

8:53 PM

And she almost slipped while running towards the garage.

• Trixie's POV •

"Can this get any faster?" I don't know why Alaska is irritated right now. My flight is at 9 PM, we still have 20 minutes. Oh well, she's the expert in here.

"For real, thank you Alaska." I said. I'm gonna start all over again in Paris, I'm gonna look for a job there.

"Don't worry Trixie, it's nothing. Thank me when you get rich." Then she smiled at me. Somehow, I still can't erase to my mind all the things she's done to me before, but maybe God planned this. Maybe this is what is bound to happen.

I'll miss you Katya.

I love you so much.

I hope you'll be happy.

When we arrived at the airport, Alaska's PSG talked to all the guards in there. I don't know, something about not letting anyone in. I don't know. Maybe it's for security reasons only.

This is the first time that I've been to an airport. I never left LA. My mom is in LA but she sold me to a black market. Then Katya found me. Then she's also living here in LA. All the buildings here are hers. That's why I never left LA.

"In just a few minutes, the plane that you're going to board will arrive. When you get on Paris, Nikki will fetch you. She got you, okay?" Alaska told me and gave me my passport and visa.

"Thank you so much Alaska." I want to ask her about... "Katya. Does she know that I'm leaving?" Does she know? Maybe not. Because I know for a fact that if she did know, she won't let me leave.

There is a part of me that still believes that she still loves me.

We loved each other at the wrong time.

Or maybe I just loved the wrong person.

But whatever awaits me on the other side of the world, I hope it's for the better.

Because if Katya really is for me, then she really is. I love her, so much. But I don't want that to be the only reason why she will love me.

I know that she loves me.

"Actually, she knows." It's like hot water has been poured down on me.

She knows that I'm leaving? And she didn't even stopped me?


"She knows that you are going Trixie. Here look.." then she grabbed my plane ticket and opened it., "See her name? She's the one who booked your flight Trix. She also wants me to book your flight a little early as planned."

I don't understand but that really is Katya's name.

Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova.

She knows that I'm leaving, and she's also the one who wants me to leave.

I'm fighting back the tears that is threatening to escape my eyes. I have to be strong.

I can do this!

* Flight bound for Paris - one - way please proceed to gate 7 *

That's my flight.

"Stop being such an emo Trixie! There's your flight, Go! Have a new life."

I breathed heavily.

I'm leaving her.

All the promises.

I'm leaving everything about her.

I'm gonna start all over again.

I think I'm gonna cry.

"Thank you." I said to Alaska and started walking.

I don't wanna see you again Katya, but if the time comes and we bumped into each other, I hope you'll still remember how much I loved you.

I'm coming close to Gate 7.

I'm really leaving.

• Alaska's POV •

I almost had a strain in the neck looking back if my sister got here.

That shit girl! She walks like a turtle!

And those bitch maids, they told the spies of Katya that Trixie is leaving!

What if the news of Trixie leaving really got to Katya's knowing?

"Ma'am we have to go. Those who are not passengers aren't allowed in here." I walked towards the gate, my PSG following behind.

"Alaska! What are you doing here?!"

"Katya?" Did she saw Trixie?

"What are you doing here?" What am I going to tell her? That I took her girlfriend here to leave the country?


I should've left a while ago.

"Aaaahhhhhh.... ummmmmm... I just took my friend here, you know. The one that I booked a flight?" I said. Is she looking for Trixie? "How about you? What are you doing here?"

She didn't answer me, she just ran straight to the information desk.

I'm sorry sis but you're too late.

9:11 PM

* flight 27 bound for Paris taking off *

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