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Katya's POV

A few weeks later.

"Katya isn't this too much? You've been grabbing a lot of stuff since we got here the cart is almost full." Trixie said while I'm reaching and grabbing different kinds of food in each stall that we walk into.

I think she's getting bored now because she's not doing anything. I am the one pushing the cart and I'm also the one grabbing the things that were needed.

"This is how you grocery Trixie. I don't even know why you wanted to go grocery shopping though. Butler Mark and the maids are the one that is responsible for this job not us." I said making her remember that she is the one who wants to do this. Not me.

"I wanted to go grocery shopping all by myself, why did you even tag along? Aren't you supposed to be in the office working? And it's better that I am helping your workers work in the house because I get bored everytime" Trixie said and I just smiled at her.

I know what she's thinking. She thinks that she's being a burden to me. But no, I wanna tell her that I love taking care of her and treating her as a princess. I don't know what would happen to me if I haven't found her in that auction. I've been dreaming to see her again since the day we got separated and here she is now, going grocery shopping with me.

I looked at her and saw that she's in a deep thought also. I can't take this anymore.

I grabbed her by the waist, cupped her cheek then kissed her on the lips. This feels nice. I moved my mouth in hers and licked her bottom lip for entrance and she allowed me. After a few minutes, I pulled out and look her in the eyes.

"I love you Trixie. So much." I said.

"I love you too, Katya." Trixie said then pinched my cheek. We continued walking to get more stuff then I saw Trixie in her deep thoughts again. What is going on in that pretty mind.

I pulled her by the waist then continued walking. She's trying to get out of my grip since we're like some hormonal teenagers walking down the grocery isle.

"Katya.. Get away from me." Trixie said still trying to take my hand off her waist.

I just laughed at her then pulled away and made a little space between us. Just a little.

"Now you're shy. We just kissed awhile ago in the milk section. Plus, you're in a deep thought, what's going on in that beautiful mind of yours?" I said.

"I'm just thinking of some stuff. Here, give me the list." She said then tried to get it from my hand but I refused.

"Trix, let me handle this. Just follow me."

"I can do this Katya! I'm not a kid anymore! You're supposed to be in your office doing some paperworks! I can take care of you Katya, this is the only thing that I can do. I can take care of you." Trixie said. She is getting frustrated already.

I just looked at her. We're in the canned good aisle already and good thing there are no people in here cause it looked like we're fighting in a distance.

She just bowed her head down. She can't look at me in the eye. She's ashamed of what she just did. I then hugged her.

"Then me, I can't let you do that Trix. Let me do things for you, you don't have to serve me baby. As long as you're there, I'm going to do everything for you. Just stay with me, that's all you have to do." I whispered.

"You're such a fool. I love you, do you know that?" I said. She smiled at me and hugged me by the waist.

"I know. If loving you is being called a fool then fine, i'm a fool then." She looked at me then smiled.


We are on our way home.

We are both sitting on the back seat since my driver is driving for us.

I'm just holding her hand. We're not talking to each other but the silence inside the car is comfortable.



"Am I good looking?" I asked out of the blue.

"No Katya, you're ugly." Trixie said then smirked.

"Oh it's okay Trixie. You'll get over your insecurities someday." I joked and laughed.

"Do you want me to kick you in the balls right now?" Trixie said with a death glare.

"Trix, I'm kidding. Do you still remember what you did to me? The one where you kicked my precious baby in the auction house when we first saw each other?"

"Its your fault anyway! Do you want me to do it again?!" Trixie said trying to be intimidating but she's just so damn cute.

"Do you want to be kissed?"

"Don't you dare try Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova or you won't be able to bear a child for the rest of your life." Trixie warned then poked my nose. I smiled at her.

"Oh so that's it huh? Don't you want a child Trixie Mattel?" I playfully shouted at her.

"We're just going to adopt one!" She's teasing me!

"No! I want the baby to be made by us and I want to have like 20 gazillion little Trixi --"

"Um, Miss Katya? You have a visitor." I stopped having my little banter with Trixie and looked outside the car. I'm not expecting anybody today but as I saw the car outside my house, I know truly well who's idea is this.

"Miss, are we going to drive the car inside now?" My driver asked and I didn't answer.

I just looked at the car then I bowed down. Why are they here. Trixie and I are having such a great time and they're gonna ruin it.

"Katya? What's the problem? Who's your visitor?" Trixie asked me then I looked at her.

I just held her hand and smiled at her.

"Let's go." I told the driver without looking anywhere else other than Trixie's eyes.

She looked at me as if she's asking me again.

"It's Violet, baby."

Sold for Ten Million Dollars (Trixya Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now