Thirty Nine

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The greatest thing about being in love is not the hugs or kisses you get every day nor the constant 'I love you' you give each day. But it is the typical moment in the morning when you wake up and you find her holding your hand and staring right through your soul, frizzy hair, morning breath and all.

And the first words she'd say are "Good morning baby" that would make your heart flutter a million times because you know that these words hold the deepest sense of meaning.

Love is waking up next to you.

• Trixie's POV •

"Hhhmmm..." It's so damn early.

"Good morning baby." Said the person who's waking me up. I then felt warm breath on my neck. Ugh! Please give me 5 more minutes to sleep. It's so early! I'm goong back to sleep.

I just poked the person for it to go away.

"I'm hungry. Wake up." The person then shook me trying to wake me up. Eat all by yourself why do I have to eat too? I got a pillow and throw it over my head just to give a hint to the person that I AM STILL SLEEPY.

Go away.

"AAAHHHHHH!!!!" I sat up and screamed. I forgot that I actually slept at Katya's bedroom last night!AAAHHHH!!!

"Why are you shouting?" She looked around as if she has no idea why am I screaming.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" I screamed once again when I saw that she's only wearing boxer shorts and sports bra. She's wearing pyjamas last night right? Right?!

"You're too loud B2!"

She called B2!

"Why are you only wearing boxer shorts?!" I then pointer at her.

"You like it?"

"I'm leaving! Stay away from me!" I threw the fallen pillow towards Katya. How unlucky of me that I am on the other side of the bed and she is closer to the door.

"Me? You should stay away from me. Look at you, you're still wearing your pants!" I looked down and saw that she was right. Good! This is what I was wearing last night.

"Stay away from the door.. Go there! Get away from me! Get inside the toilet!" Then I threw at her everything that I can hold.

"Hey! Stop throwing things at me! You already said that you love then you'll still leave? Pft!" Then she smirked at me.

Did I really say that? I can't remember! I DON'T REMEMBER ANYTHING. I DOOOOON'T.

"I didn't say anything!" I said.

"Admit it baby, you even kissed me." AAAHHHHH!!!!! She was awake that time! She's drunk! How did she remember! She even smells like alcohol!

"No I didn't!" I squeezed myself in between her side table and her bed. I look like a crazy person right now.

"I might be drunk B2 but I am not deaf." She said seriously. I can't even look at Katya. You fucked up Trixie.

"Stop calling me B2!" I don't know what to say anymore so I just said that.

"B2? That's my pet name for you right? You should call me B1.." I felt the bed move, "Because I remember so well that you wanted to taste my banana the first time I saw you here."


"Stop shouting, okay?"

"AAAHHHH!!!!" I shouted once again, I may not be able to get outside here but atleast the neighbors know that I am struggling.

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