Forty One

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I am so sorry in advance.


You'll fall in love a lot of times in life. You'll also get hurt a lot of times, have your hope crushed a lot of times but at the end of the day, you will be together with someone who's really for you.

There are a lot of people in the world. Kids, adults, senior citizens, LGBTQ+ and all types of people. But you only need one person to love.

That's why out of all the people that you'll decide to love, you need to make sure that you will pick one that you'll be with for the rest of your life.

"What?! Why?I...I mean, how? She found her? When was that?!"

"Its been a long time Alaska. I just came here for you to know, it's about time that your sister get married." Violet answered casually.

"Impossible! That pathetic, gold digger!" Alaska is fuming mad. She got the news of Katya marrying Trixie to Violet herself and she can't believe it.

"And what about me Alaska? Am I pathetic too when I was supposed to marry your sister? You betrayed me and after that you expect me to marry your sister again?!" Violet is not mad. She just wanted Alaska to accept the fact that the world doesn't revolve around her.

"N-no. Th-that's not the case." Alaska defended herself, "Katya wasn't meant for you. See? You're happily married! With kids!"

"Yeah. But that doesn't give me the reason why you almost killed me. Grow up Alaska!"

"Easy for you to say." Alaska then walked away from Violet.

It's been years since Alaska was admitted in rehab, but nothing has changed. She's still the same old Alaska.

It has been all over the news as well. But the family must move on. She must move on too. There ate things that you just can't change.


A party was held at Trixie and Katya's house because tomorrow is their big day. Katya doesn't want to have a bachelor's party because she knows that her cousins will just give her girls and she already found the girl she want to be with.

That's why it was just a small gathering in their house a day before their wedding. There you can find their friends, family, press, business tycoons and prominent people in the business industry.

Small right?

• Trixie's POV •

"Best wishes! Don't ever take your eyes off of Katya! She might go girl hopping when you're not looking!"

"I will only look at one girl and that's with my wife." Then she looked at me. Tomorrow is our big day and I will officially be her wife.

I'll become Mrs. Zamolodchikova tomorrow and I think marrying Katya - the right person at the right time - is the best decision I made.

"Oh god! You look like teenagers!" One of the press said.

"That's the problem. We might get used to it." What if I really get used to it?

"That'll be much better than." Katya said then she winked at me.

"Excuse me Ma. Zamo! May I just bottow Mrs. Trixie Zamo because we need her to try her gown for tommorow." Our hair stylist for tomorrow's wedding said.

"Can I come?" Katya asked.

"Sorry Ms. Zamolodchikova. We have to follow the tradition."

Katya scrunched her nose and you can see the sadness on her face. I just went over to her and kissed her on the cheek.

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