Twenty Eight

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• Trixie's POV •

As soon as the plane landed in ORLY, the International Airport on Paris, I felt my head spin. The flight is not that long but I am not used to flying airplanes. This is my first time to be honest.

I saw my name written on a cardboard held by a woman in her mid 20's I think.

Maybe that's Nikki, the one who Alaska told me that'll fetch me as soon as I landed here in Paris. Wait how am I supposed to talk to her? Does she know how to speak English? What if she's french?

"Ummmm.. Hi?"

"Bonjour Mademoiselle! Are you Trixie?" She asked me with a very thick french accent.

"Ah yes! Are you Nikki?"

"Yes! My name is Nikki. Come on now Maam, I'm gonna get you to your house." And I followed her. It's a bit colder in here than it is in LA but I can handle it. My mind immediately flew back to the person who's in LA right now.


How is she?

She's getting married soon.

Is she gonna call me?

WHAT THE HELL TRIXIE! I thought you're gonna forget about her?!

Nikki and I rode this car. It's a very beautiful and expensive car. It's like one of Katya's car.

Yeah sure Trixie, there you go again with Katya.

Nikki is not talking to me, and I am not talking to her either because I'm scared that she'll ignore me or tell me to shut up so I just closed my mouth the whole car ride.

But it feels like it's happy in here. A lot of opportunities you can take to start anew. A lot of space and time for me to forget about.... her.

But is this what I really want? To forget about Katya and everything that we've been through?

She already let go, didn't she?

I don't even know how we came in this situation.

"Mademoiselle we are arriving at your house in five minutes, do you have any personal request before we arrive?" Nikki asked me.


Can I just call Katya?

TRIXIE!! You're gonna start a new life! Stop acting like a retard!

"Oh, no. I have no request." NONE! I HAVE NO REQUEST. I'm gonna be the old Trixie. Katya just did some magic on me and made me this soft. I was never soft. I was strong and independent way before I met Katya again.

Katya doesn't need me anymore. So why should I need her?

I can live my life without her.

I can do this!

I can.

"Mademoiselle?" I looked at Nikki and looked at the direction that she is pointing.

"That's the Eiffel Tower." Wow.

I wish you're seeing what I am seeing right now Katya. I wish you were here with me.

I miss you.

"Are you crying madam?"

I touched my face and felt tears on my cheeks. I'm crying again. What a shame.


An hour has passed and we arrived outside a building. Then Nikki got out of the car from the front seat and opened my door. It's weird but I just shook it off.

"Follow me Mademoiselle." I just followed her inside the building. It's like a hotel and the lobby is very beautiful.

We then rode the elevator.

"If you don't mind me asking madam, how are you related to Miss Alaska?"

What should I tell her? That I'm the girlfriend... Former girlfriend of Alaska's sister?

No. No one is allowed to know. Because she wouldn't have asked if she knows something about me.

"A friend."

She was about to speak and ask a question again but the elevator door opened.

"Oh okay madam. Follow me." We stepped outside the elavator and walked to a long hallway.

Until we reached a door with the number 347 embroided to it.

"This is your unit Mademoiselle, I shall leave you here. If you need anything in the city or anything, this is my number..." She handed me her calling card. ".... and don't hesitate madam. I am paid to do so. Please feel at home." She smiled at me.

"Ummm... Nikki can you stay for a bit?" Please say yes. I don't wanna be alone right now.

"Uhhh.. Sure madam. I guess." Then we went inside my unit.

Nikki fixed us a cup of coffee and we went in the terrace that has the full view of the city. It's so beautiful in here. I wish I am with -

"Madam can I ask you something again?" I smiled trying to hold back my chuckle because she asked me if she can ask a question in a questioning manner already.

"What is it?"

"How is Miss Alaska?" Missing her boss already.

"She's fine."

"Is she still seeking medication?"

I almost spit the coffee that was inside my mouth.

Alaska is sick?

"What do you mean? Is she sick?" I asked.

It's impossible! She looks okay when we saw each other way back in LA. And she's a model, you won't notice that she's sick because of her beautiful face for christ sake.

"Oh sorry madam. I guess you do not know." What is it? This is so suspense.

"Does she have cancer?" I asked again.

"Oh no Madam."

"Then what is it?" I am very curious right now.

I wanna know what it is.

"Miss Alaska has this kind of mental illness. I can't remember what it is but I think she's doing fine, the last time we talked was when she was telling me to take care of you. She's fine, I guess. Unlike the past year when she almost killed Miss Violet, Katya's fiancé."

• Alaska's POV •

"Why are you asking me that? I am not a lost and found desk!" I yelled at her.

Gosh! I didn't remember that there's a Milk keeping tracks on Trixie's life! That bitch! She's such a whore that a lot of people is always coming for her.

"We both know that you are the one who hid Trixie. So tell me, where is she?!"

"I don't know!" I yelled again. She is annoying me! I need to hide Trixie even more now so that this piece of crap won't find her.

"Fine then. Maybe Katya wants to hear what I know." What?! Shit! That's right, she does know something about what's happening! Trixie lived with this woman for weeks!

"Don't start blackmailing me, Donigan!" Then I end the call. That asshole.

Katya hasn't gone to the office for a week now! She needs to start working again!!


hi babies, thank you for supporting this book, comment more bc i love seeing all your reactions while reading my book and ooohhhh alaska has some mental illness. what y'all think? commeeeeent. also, double update coz why not.

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