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Trixie's POV

"Am I being unfair?"

"Trixie, I think you really should just be open to Katya." Butler Mark adviced.

I'm ashamed to admit this but Butler Mark is the only person I can talk to here in the mansion because some of the maids here really doesn't want to talk to me. According to Butler Mark, they're scared of Katya. I don't know. Why would they be scared of Katya?

I told Butler Mark that I already found a job but I didn't tell him who's my boss.

"She might get mad." For the love of God, I overthink my problem as if it is very big when in truth is it really isn't. I just need to tell her the truth. Is it that hard?

"But atleast you told her."

"Told me what?"


Butler Mark and I quickly stood up and faced her. I don't know why but I feel like I've been caught doing something bad.

I just smiled at her and she walked closer to us. What should I do?

"Ummmm... She told me that she loves you so much. Miss Trixie is a very sweet girl Miss Katya!" A minute ago he adviced me to tell the truth and now he's lying? Oh Butler Mark. I'm glad that he didn't tell Katya the truth tho.

Butler Mark walked off and it was me and Katya that was left in the terrace.

"Trix. Tell me now, I don't wanna hear it from anybody else."


I feel like she knows it already. She hugged me tight and put her head on the crook of my neck.

"I can feel like you are hiding something from me." Is she a mind reader? She's like ed --

"Oh I know what you're thinking. I can't read minds Trixie. I'm not that Cullen guy from Narnia." Narnia. What?

"Katya.. He's from twilight, not Narnia." We just laughed even though the awkwardness is very noticeable.

"Yeah.. Whatever." She smirked. Why isn't she letting go?

"Are you going to work?" I pulled away from her and looked her in the eye. I smoothened her dress and fixed the glasses on her eyes.

"Actually, I was thinking if you would want to come with me in the office." She held my two cheeks and then kissed me. I started kissing her back, like longing for something.

"Easy babe." She said, smirking while I pulled away.

"Sorry." I can feel my cheeks heating up.

"I love you." I looked at her. She doesn't say this everyday but whenever she does, my heart swells everytime.

"I love you more." I said and kissed her again. I am getting addicted on her kisses I swear to God.

I pulled away and she looked me in the eyes. Her stare can melt me anytime.

She hugged me, then she inhaled deeply and exhaled loudly. Something is bothering her, and it's my fault.


I managed to "survive" that incident. I don't know how but I think she already forgot about it.

I didn't come to her office because you know, I have to go to work too. I talked to her about me not going to her office and she agreed. But I feel guilty.

I can feel that she already knows it.

Should I tell her now?

"Trixie, you're deep in thought. What're you thinking about?" I looked over at Milk who was fixing a lot of papers on her table.

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