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Trixie's POV

"Im sorry." Katya sighed. "It never should've ended in a situation like this."

I understand Katya right now, she needs me and I understand her. Is it her fault that Alaska is like that? A spoiled brat and a sadist? No.

"It's fine." I held both of her cheek then I made her look at me. ".. besides, Alaska is not the one that I love. Its you Katya. Its you."

She suddenly grabbed my face then kissed me on the lips. She caressed the cheek that has been slapped awhile ago.

I just smiled, I know that she didnt want to happen what has happened earlier. She has nothing to do. She can't fight back for me. What is she gonna do? Punch her own sisters face just for me? Even I wouldn't let that happen.

"Miss Katya? Señorito Kirk is coming." Butler Mark entered the room. So her father is coming. Oh this would be fun. Note the sarcasm.

Katya looked at me. She wasn't shocked that her father is coming. Maybe she knows that once Alaska told him that she has a new girlfriend besides Violet, he will definitely come.

"Be strong for me, okay?" She said while looking into my eyes.

What am I supposed to do? I love her of course I'll be strong.

"As long as you're willing to fight for me then why not?" Then I hugged her. This is the first obstacle course of our relationship. I strongly believe that we can survive this.

We both stood up and got ready, everyone is getting ready for her father's arrival. I wore a white top and a hat just for a touch up (pic above). Butler Mark said that Mister Kirk is strict and a perfectionist man. It would be bullshit to say that I am not nervous right now when in reality, I'm shaking. I haven't been like myself since i met Katya. I don't kick someone in their groin now. I've been more patient. Katya changed me. That's why I'm gonna fight for my girl.

"1 minute" It's like we're having a countdown for the end of the world. Butler Mark started the countdown 5 minutes ago. Everyone is ready and perfect, that is how Mister Kirk is respected here.

The maids changed their uniforms, they fixed the table, cooked a lot of food and they also changed the curtain.

Katya and I are both standing at the foot of the stairs, hand in hand, waiting for the front door to open.

And then it happened. The front door opened.

Everyone bowed their heads in sync, except Katya and I. I dont know if I should bow my head too so I just stood there. Palms sweating.

"Good afternoon, Mister Kirk." They said in unison.

Katya held me tighter than before. She's tensed. And nervous too. I can feel it. She's wearing a tuxedo and a neck tie. She looks so perfect.

Katya and Mister Kirk looked so much alike. They both have that charisma that any girl would swoon over. I now believe that he is the one who trained Katya to fit in this kind of lifestyle.

Butler Mark took the coat in Mister Kirk's hand then he looked at us.

"Yekaterina." He smiled on his daughter.

Katya didn't answer him back. I looked at her then tightened my grip on her hand just for her to look at me. Then she did. I feel like Katya and her dad aren't on good terms because the tension in the house is so thick even the maid and Butler Mark can feel it.

"Let's talk in the garden Katya. Bring that... that girl with you." Mister Kirk walked before us. We just stood there and watched him walk to the garden. Katya's dad doesn't like me. I can feel that. I know that.


"How much do you want?" He asked me out of the blue.


"Thats enough!" Katya stood from where she was sitting.

Katya is mad. I know that. I try to calm her down so I held her hand then she slowly calmed down then sat back down.

"Katya.. obviously this girl only wants your money. Don't tell me you're gonna back out on your wedding with Violet? That would be a dis-"

"I never agreed to it!" Katya said coldly. I've been hearing a lot of insults coming from Katya's father. But I just ignored every insult that he's throwing at me even though it hurts already. I can't even fight for myself. Im scared.

"She is my girlfriend!"

"You are marrying Violet!" Mister Kirk kept on repeating those words. "You!" I just looked at him while he's taking out a rectangular paper then signed it. ".. a blank cheque, name your price just leave my daughter alone!" Then threw the cheque at my face.

Am I that low?

I didnt know what happened next, all I saw was Mister Kirk on the floor holding his cheek. Katya punched him in the face. I don't know what to do anymore!

"Katya!" He shouted.

What am I gonna do? Katya is so mad right now. I can't even calm her down.

I stood up from my chair then faced her pissed off father. "I love your daughter, I don't even want your money. I hope you still understand what that word means. I am willing to fight for her, that is how much I love her, and your money can't even pay that!"

They were both looking at me. I'm scared. I'm also shaking.

I walked away due to my nervousness. What did you do Trixie? Why did you do that?

"Trix..." Katya called me. I am ashamed of what I did.

I looked at her. She was smiling and I don't know why.

"I'm sorry. Sorry. Im really really sorry." I said then ran inside the house.

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