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Trixie's POV

"Hey, are you okay?" Someone asked me. I looked over to the person that asked me and she looks like she's a daughter of a rich person.

I wiped the tears that is streaming down my face, stood up and faced her.

"Yes I'm fine." I smiled at her and left. Im going to try to squish in between of lots of people. There's a parade happening that's why a lot of people are in here. I'm just gonna try and find mom.

"Wait.." I looked back and saw her holding my hand and she's trying to stop me from leaving.

"W-why?" I asked.

"Why are you crying?" Why does it matter to her if I'm crying? Even if I tell her, she wouldn't be able to help me. She's just a kid like me.

I shook my head no and tried to snatch my hand away from her but she doesn't let go.

"I'll help you." She said with a sincere smile.

"I'm trying to find my mom. I think she lost me." I told her trying to fight back the tears that is about to shed.

As soon as I told her that, she reached something in her pocket. A cellphone, then she dialed a number and put the phone up in her ear.

"What does your mom looked like?" She asked while covering the mouth piece of the phone. I decribed the features of my mom to her and she nodded and continued speaking to the person on the other line.

After a couple of minutes, she hung up and looked at me and smiled. She's still holding my hand but I thought of not trying to let go now because I'm scared that I may get lost again. So I intertwined our fingers.

She lead me to the coffee shop nearby the park where the parade is being held.

"Here. That's decaffeinated so don't worry, you'll still be able to sleep." She gave me a coffee with a cream on top. I accepted it and smiled at her. This will be the very first time that I will be able to taste a coffee like this.

"Thank you." I said then smiled.

"My name is Katya by the way." She reached for my hand trying to shake hands and I gladly accepted it.

"I'm Trixie." Of all the rich people that I know, she is the most humble and kind of all of them. A lot of rich people are a bunch of snobs or bully but she's not like that.

"Is it good?" She asked and pointed at the coffee. I just smiled at her and nodded my head.

"Thank you but I don't have enough money to pay for this." And that is the only time when I realized that i don't have money to pay for this.

"What are you talking about? That's free Trixie. We're friends now, right?" Then she smiled at me hopefully.

Friends? With a rich person?

"U-ummm. U-uhhhh. Yeah, of course. Here's a deal, the next time that we see each other and I know how to make coffee, I promise to make you the best one." Then I stuck my pinky finger in front of her.

Starting from there, we always see each other. We always play at the park whenever I have the chance to sneak out of my mom. She brings toys and barbie dolls but she always plays with the cars and giving me the barbies instead.

Until one time, she didn't show up to the park. No news. She didn't even orient me on what is going on. She was just... gone. And that's also the time that I forgot about her. But I never expected for her to still remember me.


"Katya, what do you think?" I asked then she put down her newspaper then looked at me.

"I like it." She smiled at me. The plant that I picked 1 day ago has been delivered already in her office. It was beautiful. It adds life to her empty-boring office.

"I told you." I said and smiled.

Minutes later, I felt her hugging me from behind then she leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Hey, what's up?" Awkward moment.

"Hmmmmm.. Nothing. I just missed you." Then she swayed us side to side.

We just stayed like that. Not speaking. Just looking at the view of the city in her office.

"Ma'am, its ready." Her secretary opened the door and I tried to wiggle out of Katya's embrace but she stopped me. She didn't even looked back at her secretary.

"Katya, what if it's important?" I asked her.

"Ssshhhhh.. Let's make it official." She said. What?

She let go of me but she still held my hand.

I looked at her in the eyes and she's making a sign that I should look outside.

What the..

There were helicopters outside. HELICOPTER with S.

Roses were raining from outside then there was a banner.


The crew that is riding the helicopter were wearing pink tuxedos.

Wow. Holy shit.

I looked back at Katya and she's just smiling at me.

"Trixie Mattel, will you be mine?" She said the words.

"Say the words." I was hoping that --

"I love you, so much." She said and I hugged her putting my hands around her neck and she hugged me by the waist.

That's what I wanted to hear.

"Thank you. And yes, I wanna be yours. Forever." I said and tears fell out of my eyes.

I am inlove with her.



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