Twenty Two

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• Trixie's POV •

It's been days since I started living on Milk's house, we don't even go out anymore. I didn't notice it either. I'm missing Katya. Yes, she may have hurt me but I believe that she still loves me.

You can think about all the bad side of her, but I still love her.

But why did I leave?

It's very easy if you'll really think about it.

It's about what she stands on. The people that surrounds her. Alaska.

I pity Katya, I love her so much. But I know that we're not better together.

The night that I went home where I saw her so mad even though she really has no reason to be mad about, I can really escape. I can make a way to stop her from what she's about to do. But I chose not to. I stayed with her even though she is mad at me.

I don't regret it to be honest. She's just mad that time. It's not her fault.

Maybe the lies that Alaska told her was too much that's why it made her very angry.

I wanna go back to Katya. I want to explain to her everything, I miss her so much.

But maybe that is the sign for me to get away from her.

It's too complicated.

If those are the things that Alaska can do while I'm out of the house, what more if I stay there? What about Katya? I will just hurt her again and again because of the lies that Alaska will feed her always. I don't want her to suffer. I don't want her to think about me all the time.

"Are you okay?" Milk asked me while giving me a glass of orange juice. I have so many debt on this woman and I'm thankful that she's helping me out.

"Of course." I just smiled at her.

"Are you going to talk to her already?" Milk always tells me to talk to Katya, but I don't want to. It's either Alaska will come in our way again or she really doesn't want to talk to me anymore.

"I told you so many times Milk, I won't talk to her. Why? Are you gonna kick me out of your house already?" I told her.

"Trixie!! No!! You can stay here with me if you like. It's your choice anyway." Milk answered. Milk doesn't know what is happening, she's just stitching everything to get to the real story.

"I thought you'll be heading to London?" I asked her. I don't know why but I feel like she doesn't work anymore.

"Um, yep!"

"When?" So I'll be left here all alone then.

"When you already moved on in that drama of yours, I'll take you with me."

"WHY?!" She's taking me?

"I don't want you to stay here alone!" She said smugly.

"WHY?! I have no business in there!! It's fine if I am left here alone to be hone --"

"Trixie will you shut up? You wanna be left here? Who's your company then?" Milk just looked at me.

"Stop it Milk!! I am broke! I seriously have no money!" I won't be able to enjoy.

"Trixie, who told you that you're going to spend a penny?"

"Stop it Milk."

"Or maybe you really can't just leave her?" Who?



Maybe I really need to go far away from here. Maybe I should just come with Milk so I can forget about Katya. Really? Forget already? Can't it be cease fire only?

It's nothing.

I don't know!

I don't know what to do for now.

"So, you coming with me?"

I don't know.


• Third Person POV •

"Get out of my office now!" Katya shouted at her secretary.

She's been like this ever since Trixie left. Just like the old times, she's always hot headed now. Always busy and always have her mind on her job.

Her secretary quickly got out of her office while struggling to walk because of her high heels but then after that, Alaska walked inside.

"Yekaterina, calm the fuck down, it's too early in the morning for this."

Katya payed her no attention.

This is what she do everyday, she's slowly killing herself ever since Trixie left her. She can't accept the fact that Trixie is gone, no calls or anything.

The last thing that Alaska told her was Trixie is staying at Milk's then she showed Katya the pictures her spy took.

That's why Katya became even more mad.

Even though she wants to talk to Trixie, how will she do it? She's in the side of Milk now.

"Sis let her go, she doesn't deserve you." Alaska said when she noticed that her sister is staring into space again.

She knows that her sister is thinking about Trixie that's why she's doing everything in her power to get Trixie out of Katya's mind.

She's not saying anything but deep inside her, she's longing for her - her touch, her smell. It seems like her system need Trixie Mattel so bad.

"M-Miss Katya?" Her secretary entered her office with her head bowed down.

Katya looked at her sister who's been looking at the plant that Trixie put in her office.

"Alaska get out, I have a business to settle." She told her sister. Alaska just raised her eyebrows at her.

"Really Kat? Whatever." Then she walked away.

When Katya saw that Alaska is out of sight, she took her phone and dialled Butler Mark's number.

"Where is she?" She said to the other line.

"Miss Alaska is right, she's in the house of Milk. But according to her maids, they are really just close friends and they seriously do nothing inside the house." Katya is just listening, but at the back of her mind, she knows that she is just wrong.

"Also, according to the person I talked to, Milk always talks to Trixie about what happened. They're just not sure if it's about... About you." She sighed. She doesn't know what to think anymore. Maybe it's a great idea to finally talk to Trixie and settle this. But can she do it? How? Is it right to talk to Trixie?

And yes, she sent Butler Mark to look for Trixie and to see if she is doing alright.

I looked for her for a very long time and you expect me to just let her go? Fuck! That's mine! Then someone else will take advantage of her? Paid or not, she is mine.

That is what she always think about whenever she's alone, everytime that she remembers Trixie. Her smile, the way she made her smile like no other woman did.

"Is that it?" She asked Butler Mark.

"They also told me about this unscheduled trip to London, we don't know when is it. We don't know if Trixie is coming with her either." Katya gasped.

Trixie will leave?

"Find some information about Trixie's flight, and make it fast!"

"Yes Miss Katya."

She slumped back to her seat and started thinking. Meanwhile, Alaska was still outside. Listening to the conversation between Katya and Butler Mark.

So what's her plan now?


Damn hi!!

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