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Katya's POV

I've been doing some paperworks for quite some time now and Trixie is just staring blankly into space. What is she thinking? Is it me? I hope it's me. I hope she remembers the day when.. No nevermind.

"Ma'am, the florist has arrived." My secretary said and I just looked at her and nod my head.

"Send him in." I said and smiled towards Trixie who is so confused on why there is a florist that's going to enter my office.

The florist, who's name is Ben, walked over to my desk and I stood up.

"Good morning Miss Katya." He said and shook my hand while Trixie just stared at the both of us.

"Good morning too, Ben. Have a seat." I said and he oblige.

"So are you ready to pick the plant that you want?" Ben asked me and I looked at Trixie, who sat on the couch again not giving a fuck on what Ben and I are talking about.

"No but wait a second." I said. "Trix? Come here please." I called Trixie and she stood up and walked over to us.

"Your wife is gorgeous, Miss Katya."  Ben said and I just smiled while Trixie's eyes almost popped out of her eye sockets and laughed awkwardly and looked at me as if telling me if Ben is being serious right now.

"Anyway, Trixie, what kind of plant do you want to put here in the office?" I asked and she looked at me with shocked written all over her face. Her opinion matters to me so I'm letting her choose.

"Ummm... Hmmm." She stuttered obviously can't talk yet because she's still shocked that I really am asking for her opinion.

"Well, I have some samples here Ma'am if you're having some trouble." Ben said and Trixie smiled at her. Her smile. I love her smile. I love seeing her smile.

Ben put out some sample books and Trixie took one. She scanned every sample books that Ben took out. She's so beautiful. She hasn't changed one bit.

"Um, Katya? Are you sure you want me to pick it for you? I really think that you should be the one to pick since this is your office." Trixie said and I just smiled at her.

"Yeah. Your opinion matters to me Trixie." I said and I saw a hint of red on her cheeks. She continued scanning the sample books until she pointed on the mini palm tree. I like it.

"I will have it delivered here tomorrow. Have a good day Katya. And to you too Trixie." Ben said and left. And as soon as the florist left, Trixie hit me on the shoulder.

"Hey. Why did you let me pick the plant for your office?" She asked.

"Simple. Because the florist said you are my wife." Then I winked. She was about to say sonething but her stomach stopped her.

"Oh no, my wife is hungry. C'mon, let's go out and eat." I said and left her with no choice to come with me because as soon as I said that, I quickly stood up and pulled her out of the office.


We arrived at the restaurant where I eat every single day. I can see that Trixie is uncomfortable because she hasn't move nor touched the menu that was in front of her.

"Are you alright, babe?" WHAT. Why the fuck did I say babe.

"No." She let out a deep sigh. "It's so fancy in here. I feel like I don't belong. Im afraid to move because I may hit something or break something." She said and looked to her left and right, observing the gestures of the other customers.

"It's always like this in here. But you'll get used to eating here because we'll eat here every single day. This is like my cafeteria." I chuckled and just looked at her.

"Ma'am, are you ready to order?" The waiter said and I looked over to Trixie to make her go first but jealousy started boiling through me because I saw her staring at the waiter.

"Yes." I said and when I said that, Trixie looked at me and I gestured for her to go first.

"Ummmm.. I'll just have mac and cheese with mashed potato on the side. And water please." She said.

"Would that be all Ma'am?" The waiter asked and Trixie just nod her head and bowed down her head, blushing. I hate this. Why are they flirting in front of me? He got my order and I saw him looking towards Trixie again. I can't blame him though, Trixie looks great today, but that's all mine. Mine.

Trixie was shocked when I made my next move. I reached for her hand on the other side of the table and glared at the waiter.

"Will you please stop looking at my wife?" I said irritably. Trixie just looked at me and tried to snatch her hand away but I entertwined our fingers together and held her tight.

"U-u-uhhhh. S-sorry Miss." Then the waiter left and i let go of Trixie's hand. She looked at me, obviously annoyed and spoke.

"Katya! Why did you do that?" She half whispered, half shouted at me.

"What?" I asked as if I have no clue on what she's talking about.

"Hmp! Shut up. He's cute and handsome and I want his number but you ruined it for me!" She said and crossed her arms. I was about to snap because I really am jealous right now but I saw someone. I saw HER.

Why is she here? What is she doing here?

Trixie looked at me and looked at where i am looking at. Trixie's probably thinking that i'm a maniac because i am staring at a beautiful and sexy woman who's wearing a cocktail dress. But no, that's not what I'm concerned about. I am more concerned about that girl being HER.

"Hello? Katya?" Trixie snapped her fingers in front of me and I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her. "Are you okay, B1?"

"Huh? U-ummm. C'mon. Let's just eat somewhere else." I said and stood up, put some money on the table and pulled her out of her seat.

Once she's up, I let go of her hand and walked faster. I looked back at Trixie and saw her staring at HER. Fuck can't Trixie walk any faster?

"Will you walk faster?" I said irritably and she looked at me, noticing my annoyed face because she walked faster and walked right beside me.

I held Trixie's hand and I saw in my peripheral vision that she's looking at me. I felt her hand intertwining with mine and I tried my best not to smile by the gesture she made.

I just hope that she will never ask anything about HER.

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