Thirty One

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• Trixie's POV •

I grabbed all my baggage and sat on the chair to contemplate for a little bit. Maybe what I did was right. I may be scared for now but I think it's right.

I aready smelled the place. It feels like I am coming back to feel all the pain and sorrow that I've felt from my past life. But it's different now. I'm sure that I'm stronger than before.

This is really LA.

I called for a cab and told him to get me to the nearest hotel. I planned on staying in a hotel for now since I still don't know what to do. I'm so stupid, I came back home without a plan on how to fix things. Stupid.

5 months. 5 months since the day me and Violet crossed paths. 5 months to contemplate whether I should go back here or not. I thought about it for that long.

I know that this is the right thing to do. A lot of things isn't fixed. A lot of conversation were cut off. Milk, Alaska and her.. Katya.

I'm old enough for this. I'm mature enough to fix all this. I should fix my past since it's the only thing in my life that is a mess. As they say, in order to move on, settle the past first, meaning, I'm gonna find my mom.

I don't really know what got in to me and I suddenly want to find her. Maybe I just want to see her. Maybe I want her to see me too. I want to tell her that it was the right decision to sell me because this is me now, even though I am half dead emotionally, I'm still okay. I want her to regret that she sold me.

And as for Katya, I already asked myself in the past, if I still love her or not. For almost a year that I am gone, I questioned my own feeling for her. Even though I know the answer deep down, I'm still not sure.

I don't know.

But I realized that I really do love her. Fuck! Of course I love her!

Do you think I came back here to go sight seeing? No, I came here for her.

"Thank you." I told the bell boy that accompanied me to my hotel room.

This is my first step, to go back here in Los Angeles. So what's next?

I picked up my phone and dialed Shea's number. I got a news that she's still here in LA. I just don't know where she is.

"Hello Shea!" I said. She's gonna be stoked to know that I came back here.

"TRIXIE?!" She screamed and I smiled.

"Yes it's me Trixie." I said and I heard her scream became louder. I put my phone inches away from my ear because my ear drums might break because of how loud her scream is.

"I'm back here in LA." I told her once the screaming is done.

"Oh, what brings you back here? Do you need anything?" She asked.

"Actually, I do need something. Do you know any detective? Anyone really I just want to search for someone. Even a spy, or.. or anyone!!" I said as if im a child looking for a toy.

"Who are you gonna look for?" Shea asked.

"It's a secret. So? Do you know anyone?" I answered her.

"I'm gonna look for someone. Don't worry, my husband knows a lot of detective so I'm gonna ask for help okay?" She said and I smiled, I'm so glad that she's still here in LA.

"Thank you!" And I hung up the phone.

So, what now?

What am I gonna do now? That's all that I thought about when I was still in Paris. Ugh!!

Sold for Ten Million Dollars (Trixya Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now