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• Third Person POV •


"This is from abroad Maam. Imported from Japan." The owner of the boutique keeps on sales-talking Katya.

She is one of the person who funded the boutique for Operation Smile for kids. Trixie was the one who asked her to give some funds for the said charity.

"It's a nice tree." She commented.

"Yes Maam. You can put this indoor. It'll be memorable for the visitors." The sales lady said.

She instantly remembered Trixie. The first time she brought her in her office, she immediately suggested to get an indoor plant so that her office can have some life.

"This too, this ones also pretty." The sales lady said pointing at another plant.

"Yes, it's pretty. My wife will like it." She said while smiling. The sales lady was shocked from what she had heard just now.

Katya is already married? No one knew and it wasn't even put in the news.

"Oohh..." the girl nodded.

"I'll take it, my butler will just get this later." The  she gave her the cheque for the plant that she bought and left immediately.

Yes, my wife will like that.

• Trixie's POV •

It's been a year since Katya and I got back together. Or let's say since we made up out crazy heads. Fortunately tho, there hasn't been a problem that came towards us yet. We're inlove.

One year. Our birthdays came. We're definitely growing old. I am now 21 and Katya is 23. A lot has happened in that one year. My name almost got leaked in the newspaper because we all know that Katya is a prominent person and who am I anyways right? But I was so glad nothing bad has happened. Yet.

Katya's family thought I was pregnant. Well, I kinda eat a lot nowadays. But no, I am not pregnant. Katya never tried to have sex with me. For now, we have our own business. A flower shop, which is actually under my care and this is what I do everyday. I can't just depend on Katya everytime right? That's why it was a good idea to start this business. At least I am able to help her even just for a bit.

"Thank you sir." I said to one of the customer's that is about to leave the shop.

"Thank you too." he smiled.

One of our valued customers, buying flowers for her wife every week.

"Miss Trixie, the flowers that were exported from Korea has already arrived." One of my helpers said. She's actually Katya's assistant which makes her my assistant as well.

"Alright, thank you."

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Where's my favorite girl?" I can hear the bad vibes coming inside my beautiful shop.


"Stop it! And why are you here? Are you gonna buy something?" I said. She broke up with her girlfriend. I'm sure she has a new one. This is the second time that she'll be buying flowers here, and take note, that is only for this week."

"Hold your horses Trixie. I'll buy flowers, just like before."

I don't have to ask our flower arranger because he already knows what flower Milk wants whenever she visits here.

"Uhhmm... this is new. Are you gonna be using hack?" I asked.

"Hmm. Maybe." She said.

Maybe? I'm sure she will. I got bored with the last game we played since she keeps on advancing the time and using some hacks it became so boring.

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