Twenty Four

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• Third Person POV •

"What do you mean? You know her?" Katya asked and she is eager to know how Willam knows Trixie and how did she know Trixie.

"Oh nothing, and no." Willam smirked. She really didn't came in there to tell Katya what Alaska is planning. He just wants to know more about this Trixie girl.

"Spill it out Willam. You said Alaska is planning something, what is it?" Katya became even more curious, she doesn't know what to feel. Are her instincts right?

"First, tell me who is this Trixie girl." Willam said with a mocking look.

Katya sighed.

They're gonna talk about Trixie. Again.

"She's my girlfriend." She simply said, but deep inside it's like a whiff of fresh air when she said that Trixie is her girlfriend. She can still feel how badly inlove she is with the girl that she is currently searching.

"Really? When did you ever go stick-to-one cousin?" Then she laughed. "It's just nothing you know. I just heard some scoops about this Trixie girl. I got interested when Alaska started talking about this girl, that's why I told you that she is planning something."

It was never his intention to tell Katya what Alaska is planning. She just wants some information. Katya just ignored her but deep inside, she thought that there is something going on, she thought that her instincts are right and something is really wrong.

"Well, i got to go Katya. I got a date with Courtney." Willam quickly stood up and exited Katya's office. She's not really going on a date with Courtney, she's just going to Alaska's office which is just on the lower floor of Katya's office.

"What are you doing here Willam?" Alaska asked when she just came in.

"I talked to your sister." She said then slumped on the chair.

"You told her?!" She almost doesn't know what to feel right now.

"No, but I'm here to tell you to stop bothering your sister's relationship again which means do not add me up on that plan you are thinking." Willam quickly said then got up and exited the office.

Yes, it was never her intention to tell Katya that Alaska is planning something but it was never on her plan to help Alaska too because it was never her problem. And whatever is in exhange of that, it was not worth it. Alaska was left hanging there. She needs to think of a plan to get rid of Trixie because she knows Katya is doing something too.

• Trixie's POV •

"Are you sure that it's okay with you?" This girl is hard headed as hell.

"It is. I'm staying here Milk. Bring me some souvenirs okay?" I told Milk who is about to go. Her driver and I took her to the airport. She's going to London, but she will come back, I just don't know when. So I will be the one in charge of her small businesses here but someone is going to help me on that.

"You take care of yourself Trix, okay? I will call." She's acting like a mother.

"Yes Milk, don't worry anymore." I winked at her then hugged her tight. She let go of me and walked towards the door. "Milk!" I shouted, she looked back at me. "Thank you!" I said while waving my hand and she just smiled at me and walked away.

So it's just me then.


Why didn't I come with her?

Y'all though I'm coming, didn't you? Because Katya is mad at me?

No! I wouldn't go with Milk just because Katya is mad at me, and that's actually the point in there. She's just mad. What if she got over it already? And I'm not here anymore? So that's just it? I love that girl so much, I can't leave her.

I entered the car that took us to the airport. Milk's maid are all very kind, just like Butler Mark.

I'll miss Milk so much, she's the one who have helped me. That's why while she is away, I have to do all the favors she asked me to do. I have to fix my problems with Katya and Alaska too.

"Trixie, someone is looking for you. She's not so nice, too arrogant. I don't know who that is." As soon as I got out of the car, one of Milk's maid walked towards me and informed me that someone is inside the house.

"Come on, let's go inside." We both got inside, I'm not expecting someone so who is that person looking for me? It's not Katya right? Why am I getting nervous?

She is here.

"Oh, hi Trixie." I did not expect to see her here. Did she really just wait until Milk is gone and just show up in here?

"What are you doing here Alaska?" I asked her. Yes, I am mad at her. I'm mad at all the things that she's done to me and Katya.

"I'm here to tell you something." She talks as if nothing is wrong. As if she didn't ruin my life!

"What? Are you going to tell me your plans on how to ruin my life more?"

"Oh come on Trixie, I know that you're mad. But just take this as a favor. I'm here to tell you something that might hurt you." Hurt me? Is what she's doing not yet enough?

"Is that because of you too Alaska?" I said.

"My sister is getting married to Violet." What?

Wait what? Can you repeat that?

"I know, it hurts me too that my sister is already getting married, you know how much I value my sister. I pity you too and I'm sorry, it's been my fault on why you didn't enjoy the remaining days you have with Yekaterina. You know its been a tradition so we cannot do anything about it."

I can't speak. Katya is getting married?

That's it?

Just because of this bullshit tradition?

So Katya and I's break up just came on earlier, is it like that?

"Ssshhhh Trixie, don't cry." Alaska walked towards me. I didn't notice that I am already crying.

It's just a girl Trixie! God!

Why am I crying because of her?

I don't know what to feel anymore but minutes later, I just found myself hugging Alaska for support.

Fuck this life!

Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova, the love of my life is getting married.

"Shhhhh, don't cry Trixie." Alaska tapping my back has helped me calm down but the pain inside my chest feels like I'm going to die.

Why didn't she tell me?

"Trixie, I'll help you, sssshhhhhhh..." I looked at Alaska, huh?

"W-what?" I wiped away the tears on my face. UUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH!! I'm so pissed at you right now Katya.

"I'll give you my business in Paris, you'll get out of the country. Move on with your life, start anew." She said it with such assurance.

I will start all over again. I will leave Katya and all our promises. Everything. I will start all over.

"So is it a deal Trixie? I'll take care of everything. You'll forget about my sister. Take this as a peace offering for what I did to you." She's right. Katya is getting married, so what's the point of staying here?

My mind is a mess right now because I'm hurting but I know that this is the right thing to do.

Alaska is already the one that is giving me the opportunity. It isn't that easy to just let go of each other. But maybe that's how it works.

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