Thirty Five

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• Third Person POV •

"Still none?" Katya asked one of her bodyguards.

"We still can't find her Maam, but it was positive on the CCTV that Miss Trixie was able to get inside the house." The bodyguard said. They replayed the CCTV footage over and over and over again to make sure that it was Trixie who Michelle was able to talk to.

"This is a coincidence." She muttered.

"Are you saying something Madam?" One of Katya's bodyguard asked.

"No. You may now go but please, keep looking." She said and they immediately left after that.

It all happened last night, but why does it feel like it's a dream. She almost risked Trixie's life but what a coincidence and she is actually the one who saw Ms. Visage but they never saw each other.

Katya decided to not go to work today since she really won't be doing anything in the office.

"Madam." Butler Mark entered the study room.

"What is it?"

"You need to see this." Butler Mark went all the way inside and put the USB in the monitor.

Katya is looking at Butler Mark. Then after a fee minutes, he played a video that was in the CCTV camera, outside their house last night during her father's engagement party.

Trixie suddenly got out of a car.

She is still mesmerized.

She's still so damn beautiful.

Seconds past then it was Milk that got out of the car next. It was captured in the camera that they are together. Just the two of them.

"Find that woman!" Katya demanded. Butler Mark went out immediately leaving the video playing inside Katya's study room.

What happened to us Trixie? I swear I'm going to find you.

• Trixie's POV •

"Are you okay?" Milk asked me. Yup. I'm here in her and her girlfriend's house since her girlfriend is not around today.

I let out all my frustration to Milk. Fuck you Katya, what if I didn't see Ms. Visage in that stupid party? I'm sure they're hunting me down at this very moment if we didn't!

"What do you mean? I ALMOST DIED MILK. Almost!"

"Yes. I understand. You've been saying that for the nth time already. Okay and? You'll get mad at her again? Then what? You'll leave again? TRIXIE WAKE UP. Be good enough to face your problem please." She must be really tired of me already.

But that's what I am thinking as well.

"So what's your plan?" I asked.

"What I want to know is why don't you want to see her until now." Why?

"Is that necessary?" I asked.

"C'mon Trix. Let's not pretend that its's not included in your agenda to see and talk to your one and only love Katya." Ugh! What the hell is wrong with this woman. Why is she so excited for me and Katya to see each other?

"Hey, why did you suddenly became quiet?" I don't know.

"I'm just thinking." I said. What is the reason why I ended up on Katya's house yesterday night? To see her right? Then why am I here sulking and asking myself if I still wanna see her.

What am I supposed to do?

What if I just go back to Paris?

I'll be able to get through it right?

Katya is important no matter how many times she hurts me. She's so damn important. Do you know that feeling that everytime you see her, it feels like your heart will be ripped out of your chest?

That's the feeling. We may not have seen each other in that party but at least I know that she is okay. Why is she not gonna be okay? Someone is taking care of her anyway. Fame.

Oh look at how the wind works.

The person who I thought Katya's girlfriend the last time that we saw each other which really is not her girlfriend that time, is for real her girlfriend now.

Katya and I were not able to take care of each other well.

We lost what we had in the past.

I still can't erase in my mind that what if there's no Alaska? What if she didn't believe anything her sister said? What if until now we are together? I bet that we are so damn happy. Maybe yes. Maybe not.

Oh life.

"I'm gonna go Milk." Then I stood up and went straight to the door.

"Hey wait a minute! Have I offended you? I'm sorry."

"No! I'm just gonna take care of something else." Yes. Something else. I looked at her intently and smiled. "Thank you Milk. I got something from you that I didn't expect that I need."

She just smiled at me then I walked out of her house.

• Milk's POV •

I just looked at the cab that is getting farther and farther away from my house and inside that cab is the stupidest woman I have ever known. Why are you gonna let yourself suffer if you know what's inside that stupid heart?

My honey bunch will be arriving soon! Oh god, great life. Great life indeed.

"Maam, you have a visitor." Visitor? Who?

I went straight to the living room, who could be visiting me in this fine day?

"Hello Ms. Donigan." He greeted me. I remember this guy.

What is his name again?

He got close to me and we shook hands.

"You are?" I asked.

"Ah. I am the Butler of the Zamolochikova Family. Please call me Butler Mark." Right! I remember, he's the Butler of Katya.

"So what brings you here?" I think I know.

"About her Ms. —"

"Yes, I know very well what you came here for. Unfortunately, tell your boss that whatever feuds they have is none of my business." Then I stood up. "You may now leave Mark."

"Wait Ms. Donigan." I faced him once again.

"I am not speaking for my boss. I am here because I want this all to be fixed and I hope you want the same. I- I just want to know where Trixie lives and we'll take it from there." Damn this Butler, he knows how to talk. I'm about to spill damn!

What are you gonna do Milk?

Don't you wanna help them?

"Fine." I said.

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