Thirty Four

194 9 3

• Third Person POV •

The program just ended and all the people in the party already started their own business. Katya's father and her soon-to-be stepmom are currently talking to one of the most prominent businessman in the world. And Katya is doing the same.

"Ms. Visage, we already found Ms. Zamolodchikova but I still can't find number 821." One of Michelle's bodyguard said.

"Enrique! Come with me and I wanna speak with Ms. Zamolodchikova." And they went and looked for Katya.

They saw Katya in the foyer, talking to her Butler. Butler Mark.

"I'm fine. You may now leave. Ready the car now and we will leave in just a couple of minutes." Michelle said to her guards. Her business is done and they may now leave. They left immediately and Michelle walked towards Katya.

"Ms. Zamolodchikova!" She said with a cheerful greeting.

Katya didn't expect to see Michelle here. Not today on her father's engagement party.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Katya asked in whispering manner but you can hear the shock in her voice.

"I'm here to check on my Trixie." Michelle answered.

"She's not yours, I bought her. She's mine." Just like before, Katya still can't help it but to feel anger towards someone who is claiming Trixie as if she is theirs and not hers. She remembers the night Trixie was bought from an auction and she doesn't want that to happen again.

But now, Michelle is already looking for Trixie and TRIXIE IS STILL NOT WITH HER.

"Yes." Michller winked at Katya. She felt the tension and she thought that it was wrong that she sent off her guards too early.

"A-are you looking for her?" Katya can't hide the fact that she is nervous. What is she suppose to tell Michelle?

She has no Trixie to show Michelle.

"Yes, actually I already talked to her. I just wanted to see you and here I am, about to leave." Michelle said casually as if it's nothing.

"You talked to her?" Katya asked. How was she able to talk to Trixie if Butler Mark wasn't able to find her?

"Yes, she was here awhile ago. But she left when I told her about the checking. Maybe it's your fault that you didn't let her know. She's just here somewhere." Michelle said it too casually that it's scaring the hell out of Katya but for her, her heart is pumping wild.

What a mad coincidence!

She's here.

But why didn't she look for Katya?

(earlier that night)

"Maam, we still can't find number 821." One of Michelle's bodyguard said. They were able to get inside the house of the Zamolodchikova's.

It's really not that hard as long as you are one of the most known person.

There are a lot of people who attended Mr. Kirk's engagement party that's why it's not impossible to not see Katya or her Butler immediately but they are not focused on them. Their main focus is to find Trixie.

"Fuck! Look for Ms. Zamolodchikova! It's fucking impossible that that Trixie bitch is not here!" Michelle said in seethed teeth.

Her bodyguards scrambled immediately and she was left there with her past rich customers in the market.

"So, how is the business going?" Asked one of the multi-billionaire.

"Doing great actually." Michelled laughed as if she's the richest person in the venue. She doesn't want to be below those people that's why she's acting like that.

"Is Katya your customer too, Michelle?" Asked one of the businessman as well.

"You know that's confidential Mrs. Brooke." Then she winked at her.

She is just waiting for the news that her bodyguard will give her when she saw someone familiar.

She came unexpected, but she saw her instantly. Just like that.

Sitting alone in a couch as if she is waiting for someone, maybe Katya? Surrounded by strangers.

Michelle's bodyguards almost lost their minds looking for her. She was just there all along, you really won't be able to notice her. She is far more different that the first time Michelle laid her eyes ok the beautiful girl. Trixie Mattel.

• Trixie's POV •

"Trixie..." I looked at the person who called my name.

Ms. Visage?

What is she doing here? She's here? W-why?

"It's been a long time since I saw your face..." sge said then gave me a champagne glass. I slowly took the said glass and then she sat next to me.

"W-what are you doing here?" I managed to say my thoughts. Even though it's been a long time, I still won't forget about her. Same face. Same smile. The owner of the black market.

"You don't know? I guess Ms. Zamolodchikova didn't tell you that we're having a checking." What?

"C-checking?" I can't underatand her. Where the hell is Milk? I don't wanna talk to this woman. It disgust me!

"Yes. And you were not informed by that? Checking. The one that's included in the contract. If we knew that you are not in the care of your buyer, we'll look for you and kill you immediately. That. You don't know?" CHECKING? KILL ME? Why didn't I know any of this?

So me cominf here is actually a good timing since we saw each other and she actually saw me here in Mr. Kirk's engagament party. Which I didn't intend on seeing Katya right now.

I looked af Ms. Visage.

"Now that you've see me Ms. Visage, does this serves as a renewal?" I asked her.

"Yes. Absolutely, the next checking will be next year until 10 years has passed." So 10 more years of hecking. If she won't be seeing me under Katya's care, then I'll die. I don't know why they have this stuck up rule but it makes me want to barf.

I stood up immediately. I'm gonna look for Milk. I don't wanna be here anymore. I am so pissed. SO FUCKING PISSED!

Katya didn't even had the nerve to tell me that I am gonna die if I leave! I WANNA PUNCH THAT WOMAN SO DAMN BAD.

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