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Katya's POV

"So Trixie, what do you do?" Alaska asked my girlfriend, Trixie. We are having a dinner at my father's house. Trixie and I, my father and my sister, Alaska.

"I was studying International Studies back then." I can feel that Alaska really doesn't like Trixie. Everyone can feel it. They can even see it. The way my sister looks at Trixie up and down. No one, not even Alaska herself, could hide how much she dislikes Trixie.

"Oh. How odd that you're really studying. Is your mother paying your school bills?" Another question came out of her mouth.

"No, I have a lot of jobs." Trixie said and I looked at her. She looks so sexy on her dress. She's too perfect for me.

"Trixie is very productive, I see. We need someone like her in the company." I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my father compliment my girlfriend. They're really getting along together now and it makes me happy to see that Trixie is getting quite comfortable around my family. Well, except for Alaska.

"Dad? What are you saying? She hasn't even finished college yet." Alaska said with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Yeah, she's right Mister Kirk. I think I'm just gonna go back to my old job." I looked at her with my eyes almost popping out of its eye socket.

"Huh? No Trixie. Why don't you work in my company instead?" I said quickly then she just looked at me with the same expression I had earlier when i heard that she's going to go back to her old job.

"Yeah Trixie, why don't you work on Katya's company? She could use another hand." My father agreed to me and I saw Alaska's face. She's not really happy about this.

"W-what?" Trixie stuttered. She looks so goddamn cute when she getting caught off guard in situations like this.

"Yeah! And she's really good at making coffee Dad!" I said proudly. Trixie's coffee were the best coffee that I've ever tasted in the entire world. I appreciate everything that she do even the smallest ones.

My father was about to say something again but Alaska cut her off immediately.

"By the way sis! How was the engagement going?"

Everyone sat still. It's like the clock stopped. I looked at my father and he's shocked as well. Maybe it slipped out of his mind after he accepted Trixie fully.

"I'm sure you're not gonna cancel your wedding with Violet, right?" Alaska said while smirking.

I reached for Trixie's hand under the table then held it tight. I can see through my peripheral vision that she is looking at me while I'm glaring at my annoying jackass of a sister. Then I felt her hand squeezing my hand.

"And the motif of the wedding would be pi--"

"Alaska, that's enough!" My father said calmly then looked at Alaska.

"Dad, didn't Trixie know that Katya is going to get married alr--"

I didn't let Alaska finish what she was about to say because I stood up while I'm still holding Trixie's hand.

"We should go." That's all that I mustered to say because I am so pissed at my sister right now. I pulled Trixie out of the house. I saw my father's shocked face and Alaska's pissed off face.

This is not Trixie's fault.

I love Trixie and I will fight for her. I am willing to fight for her. Even if it means that I will leave this luxurious life behind. I will do it just to be with Trixie. We were both silent until we reached the car. I let her get inside then I followed her suit by walking on the driver's side and slide myself inside the car. I drove silently and she just looks at me. Not able to say any word.

Sold for Ten Million Dollars (Trixya Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now