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Trixie's POV

"The maids will return later, Trixie."

"Really? Is it 1 week already?" I asked while we are eating.

"It's been already 2 weeks actually. I really just don't want someone to disturb us." Katya said and winked at me.

I just smiled at her. Fuck her smile. It makes the butterflies in my stomach flutter.

"Oh, by the way, I have something for you." She said then reached something on her pocket. Hmm?

She walked towards me then stood up behind me, she showed me a necklace with a pendant of the first letter of her name.


"Please always put this on. That symbolizes me." Then she sat down again and I noticed that she is wearing the same necklace with an T on it. ".. this is mine and I will never take this off because this symbolizes you. Whenever I have this, i feel like you're with me everytime."

My girlfriend is so mushy and cheesy but i love it. She is so addicting. Her sweetness makes me even more addicted to her. I walked towards her and kissed Katya on the lips then she pulled me closer.

I heard someone walking towards us but Katya did not let go of m--

"Miss Katy-"

I smacked Katya's hand that was on my waist and stood up quickly and put a good amout of gap between us.

I saw Butler Mark saying sorry multiple times to Katya and the maid who has her hand covering her mouth, I think she was the one who called Katya awhile ago.

"U-ummmm u-uhhhh. I-im sorry Miss Katya" He said while bowing his head repeatedly and the maid is doing the same.

I just looked at Katya and she has her head bowed down, she looked so ashamed and she's blushing which is so cute.

"I-its okay." Katya said then bowed her head again, it feels like we've been caught doing a crime or something.

Butler Mark and the maid left the living room and it was only me and Katya who was in here. We just looked at each other like 'what the fuck just happened?'


"You and Miss Katya are doing well being on each other's company Trixie, huh?" Butler Mark joked.

I felt my cheeks heat up again because of the thought of what happened earlier.

"U-uhh.. Kind of." She just asked me to be her girlfriend using helicopters!

"I really thought Miss Katya would never see you again. But here you are, after 9 years." He knew?

"You know me Butler Mark? You knew?" So does that mean that he's been serving Katya for a long time?

"Yes. I was the one who Katya called to find your mother." I just stayed silent. Really? Wow.

"Thank you for that by the way." I smiled. Can you believe that?

"Ma'am! Ma'am!" Me and Butler Mark looked at the maid who's screaming while running towards us.

"Minimize your voice Jenny." Butler Mark scolded.

"Im so.... sorry... ma'am.." Jenny said while still catching her breath. "u-um... i-its... it's... Señorita.."

"MISS ALASKA CAME OVER?!" Butler Mark shouted and it shocked me because this was the very first time that he wasn't calm.

Who is Alaska?

"Did you call Miss Katya already?" Katya? Why? She's in the office and already left awhile ago.

"Yes Butler Mark. She said that she's on her way." Jenny said.

"JENNY?! WHERE IS MY JUICE?!" I think that was Alaska. Or should I say Miss Alaska.

Jenny ran all the way to the kitchen, I guess she's gonna get the juice that Alaska wants.

"Butler Mark? Who is Alaska?" I asked Butler Mark who is very busy contacting Katya.

"Uuuuhhhhhh... Trixie... S-she is Katya's sister.. She's k-kinda... Uhhhh.. S-she's different.. K-kinda.."

"Butler Mark?! Who is that girl and why did you let her come in here?!" I looked back at the entrance of the living room and saw a girl who's as tall as Katya. That's Alaska? She's a model right? She's famous in our school. Every boy in my school fancy her and the girls envy her so much, well, except for me.

"Ahhhh... U-um Miss Alaska well..."

Shit, even I am nervous now.

"Alaska, that's enough." I heard a familiar and calm voice, Katya arrived already. She walked towards me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Hi Trixie. I love you." She said and I just smiled at her.

"I love you too." I said and she kissed me again, but this time, she kissed me on the lips.

She looked over at Alaska who has her mouth agape from what she just witnessed. Katya held me by the waist and pulled me closer to her and Alaska looked at me like she's ready to kill me any minute now.

"So I guess you already met my girlfriend?" Katya said while me, of course, just stayed silent.

"Are you serious Katya? You're getting married sis." Alaska said while laughing.

I don't know why but I have this feeling that me and Alaska will never get along well.

"I. Am. Not. Getting. Married. Alaska." Katya said angrily and I just looked at her. She's mad. Her jaw is stern so I did what I know would calm her down, I held her hand and intertwined our fingers together. She looked at me and just smiled.

"Yes you are Katya! And I am telling this to Dad that you are keeping a slutty girl!" She walked towards me and then..

Without further ado, I felt her right strong hand connected on my cheek.

She slapped me.

"Bitch." I heard her say and she just walked away. I didn't say anything because I was still in a state of shock.

Well, that was a first.


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