Thirty Two

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• Third Person POV •

Katya stood up from her chair which shocked Fame. Katya's reaction made Fame a little bit confused especially when she saw how shocked Katya as well.

And for Katya, she's just looking at the girl who walked out the restaurant who she is so surprised to see at this kind of situation, and in this kind of place. She just stood up, while the girl who decided to make an appearance after being missing in action for so many months. Katya is definitely mesmerized by her.

It's Trixie.

She's leaving the restaurant in such a hurry.

• Trixie's POV •

Why did my tummy decided to hurt while I'm eating at a fancy restaurant? This is pissing me off. I have to leave because I can't eat properly because my stomach hurts so much. But it's fine, because Shea texted me the information of the detective.

I'm really having some bad vibes inside that restaurant but once I got out, everything feels fine. My tummy hurts at a wrong time.

I called for a cab and told him to drive me to the place that Shea sent me about the detective, maybe this is what I'm gonna do for a while.


I gave all the information that the detective needs, he told me that he can handle it and he will search for the person I am looking for as soon as possible. I don't know how long will I stay here in LA, I haven't stayed here for a week yet but I'm already thinking that this world is too small for me.


I don't know when am I gonna see her. Does she know that I am here in LA?

UGGGHHH!! This is frustrating. I know what exactly I need to do but the problem is I don't know where to start.

I went straight to the hotel that I am currently staying. I'll start something again tomorrow. I just got back here in LA but I feel like I'm spreading some bad vibes around this area already.

"Ma'am, do you know Milk?"

"Yes, why?" I asked the receptionist. How did she know that I know Milk?

"She came here awhile ago ma'am. She told me to give you this." Then the receptionist handed me an envelope.

What is this?

I didn't ask anymore questions, I just grabbed the envelope and walked to the elevator.

How did Lauren knew that I was back here?

What is inside this envelope?

As soon as I entered my hotel room, I immediately opened the envelope.

Oh Milk.

So that's why the envelope feels like there's nothing inside it, because nothing is really inside it but a strip of paper.

Cellphone number?

Should I call this?

I picked up the phone from my pocket and dialed the number written on the paper.

"Hello?" I said.

"I knew it." Milk said while laughing. This person can make me smile instantly.

"How did you know that I am here?" I asked.

"Of course, instincts. Hahahhahahah, i'm kidding. I'm Milk Donigan remember? Everything is possible." Still arrogant, she didn't change even just for a bit. Damn I missed her.

"I miss you." I said.

"Me too Trixie." Right after she said that, I hung up the phone and changed my clothes.

I'm going to see her, I am not contented by just talking over the phone. I want to see her, hug her, tell her all the stories that happened to me in Paris. I want to tell her how me, Trixie Mattel, lived all by myself. I wanna show her how I succeeded in life even after the disaster that has happened.

I know what to do now. I'm gonna fix everything.

I'm gonna fix this because that is how brave I am.

• Third Person POV •

"I saw her." was the first thing she said to Butler Mark once she got home after her lunch date with Fame. She went home early because she's not even sure if she's still capable of thinking right after she saw Trixie back here in LA.

"Huh? Who?" Butler Mark asked, confused on what Katya is talking about.

"Trixie." Katya said quietly.

For almost a year that Trixie was gone, everything hurts her as long as it is about Trixie. Even if it's just saying her name.

She just sat at the sofa in their living room while Butler Mark is looking at her, trying to hide the joy in his face knowing that Trixie is back.

While Katya still do not understand what she is feeling. Should she be happy? Sad? Excited? What?

"I just stood there. I didn't even come close to her. How stupid." Katya mumbles repeatedly because it's the only thing that she can say after seeing Trixie walking out of the restaurant.

"She was just a few meters away from me. I could've walked to her and said 'Trixie, I'm here.' But no. I just stood there." She said with a hoarse tone.

"Don't worry, I will call everyone to look for her as soon as possible. There is a big possibility that you're gonna see each other again because she is finally back here in LA." Butler Mark said excitedly.

But for Katya, what is she suppose to do?

She has a girlfriend, someone will get hurt.

"I'm sorry but I just want to ask, what does she look like now?" Butler Mark can't hold himself anymore as he just asked Katya about Trixie.

Katya just smiled while looking into space.

"She's still beautiful, as always... But somethings has changed, maybe it's her hair. She matured so much. I still love the way her eyes twinkle while she smiles. She even grew in height and she gained a little bit of weight. But she's still sexy and mesmerizing.." Katya laughed as she recall the first time she met Trixie. She was wearing this skimpy cocktail dress at the auction house, the way she makes Katya coffee and how Katya would tease Trixie about stealing a kiss from her.

"I miss her."

The telephone in the study room rang and Butler Mark has to leave Katya in the living room, reminiscing everything that has happened to her and Trixie.

This house used to be full of her. Now its empty. But she's back, now what is Katya gonna do?

"Miss..." Butler Mark said while walking so fast towards her he can trip anytime soon.

"The black market called and they told me that they're gonna do an inventory. They're gonna visit us and see if Trixie is doing okay."

"Shit!" Katya shouted.

The black market that Butler Mark is referring to is the auction house where she bought Trixie. She instantly remembered about the warranty.

Trixie can't leave her side as long as Katya reported it to the management.

This has been a procedure just to prevent the auctioned person to leave the country and to protect the group as well. But Katya is not doing any action, and she can't do anything about it because Trixie should be the one to get the permit.

What if they find out that Trixie left the country and is still currently missing in action?

Something bad will happen if the management finds out about this.

She needs to find Trixie, right away. Or she'll be fucked.


ayyyyyeeeee my babies triple update 🔥

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