Twenty One

249 10 14

Third Person POV

Katya woke up without Trixie beside her and it finally struck her.

"Shit!" She cussed when she remembered all the things Alaska told her hours before Trixie came home.

~ Flashback ~

"I did Katya!" Alaska shouted when Katya asked her if she saw it with her own two eyes.

"Stop lying to me Alaska!" Katya is also mad to her sister now, she was aware that Alaska doesnt like Trixie. Katya still believes in Trixie, she trust her so much.

"I am not lying Yekaterina! She is with Milk when I saw them enter a hotel! They were so into each other! Why can't you just believe me?!" Alaska said, getting irritated.

"Because I can't!" Katya almost threw the glass of water that she's holding. She can't just believe Alaska. She knows her sister too well and she knows that she's gonna do everything just so Trixie and her can break up.

But still, she's just a human. In the back of her mind, she's still thinking about the possibilities of what Alaska is saying.

Trixie never told her who she works for or what her job is.

"Maybe this will help Katya!" Then Alaska threw papers on Katya's desk.

"What's this?" She asked as she looked through the papers lying on her desk.

"Your girlfriend had an affair with Milk when she was still studying. I bet you didn't know that." Katya can't talk, the evidence is in front of her. Testimonials, pictures and all.

While Katya is reading thoroughly, Alaska can't help but smile. She knows for a fact that her plan is working.

"Bullshit!!" The papers are now scattered on the floor. Everything is a mess now. She is now very mad.

She is starting to believe that Trixie is really cheating on her with Milk.

Who wouldn't believe it anyway? Every proof is now in front of her.

"Calm yourself down Katya, good thing you didn't marry that woman yet! Look at her, a gold digger! I swear Kat, I saw her with Milk, I saw them went inside the hotel and before that I saw them kissing on the lounge! How pathetic!" Alaska kept talking for what seems like so many lies.

Katya is now drinking, she just kept on pouring alcohol on the glass she was holding a while ago. There are so many things running on her mind, how could Trixie cheat on her? She gave her everything!

Alaska went out of Katya's room.

Katya thought a lot of things for a while, she's being wrapped by anger now. The mere thought that Trixie is having sex with someone else, that she can't even do to Trixie out of respect.

The fact that Trixie didn't say yes to her proposal to marry her, because she was having an affair with Milk.

The fact that Alaska saw Trixie kissing another woman.

Katya was about to go in Trixie's room, the room that was made for her years ago. That room is special, not because of the fact that only three people slept there, not because it is big or fully furnished but because the room was made for Trixie. It was made for her, Katya planned on finding Trixie after she went away from her. So she made the room just for her.

But she has another thought now, Trixie is cheating on her.

"Where's the key?!" She asked when she passed by Butler Mark when she's on the way to Trixie's room.

Mark knows there's something going to happen.

"O-oh.. I-It's open Katya." Even him is scared to interrupt Katya when she's talking. Out of all the years that he's been a butler to the Zamolodchikova's, he knows how mad Katya can get.

Katya went inside the room and she closed the door. Then she started smashing everything.

~ End of Flashback ~

"Fuck!" She cussed again after she remembered what happened. She got up from the bed and put on a robe.

Trixie is gone.

Then she saw blood on the bed sheets.

She doesn't know what to think first.

She went out of Trixie's room and went straight to hers. She was looking for her.

She doesn't know what to say to Trixie if she ever saw her, but she needs to see her. She knows that what she did was wrong, but she doesn't know if she's sorry or not because Trixie still cheated on her.

She went down to see if she is in the kitchen.

But she's not there.

She passed by Butler Mark.

"Where is Trixie?"

"A-ahhhh... u-ummmm... she went out extra early today. She didn't tell me where she's going." Butler Mark said stuttering.

Only Mark and the guard were the ones who saw Trixie went out. But they didn't dare to ask further questions. They just let Trixie went out of the house. They all know what happened inside the house, but they chose not to say anything.

Right after Butler Mark answered, Alaska entered the house. She just finished a photoshoot.

"Oh hey Katya!" She greeted with a smile.

Butler Mark strutted out of the living room, leaving the siblings to talk. He doesnt want to hear anything that Alaska would say.

He knows that Trixie wouldn't do all the things that Alaska said. He likes Trixie. He saw how happy Katya gets whenever Trixie is around.

As for Katya, she just stared at Alaska. She was thinking of what Alaska said to her last night, on how Trixie cheated on her.

The anger is building inside her again.

"Sis, what's wrong?" Alaska asked but Katya just turned her back against her and walked away.

She knows what's wrong.

It seems that she doesn't need Milk's help anymore even though she refused, Trixie is still missing for her sister.

She knows why her sister is acting like that, because Trixie ran away.

"Is she here Katya? Maybe she is with Milk." She told her sister with a wicked smile who's walking up the stairs.

Katya stopped walking.

She didn't realize that her tears are slowly falling down her face. She knows deep inside that she still loves Trixie so much. Despite all the faults and heartaches.

It's hurting her.

Trixie is slowly fading away from her life again.

She don't know why Trixie would do that to her.

Was I not enough? She thought to herself as she continued to walk towards her room.

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