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Trixie's POV

"Hi Katya, why aren't you calling me?" Then she kissed Katya in the cheek and this Katya pretended as if she's shocked.

"Fame, why are you here?"

"Sweetie, did you forget? We'll be having dinner with the Act's" So this one's also a workaholic huh?

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot." She's busy. Katya is busy. So busy that she already forgot about me standing here.

"Just what I thought. You're always working that's why you forgot a lot of things. That's why I'm here Katya, to remind you everything that you need to do." What is this girl saying that Katya is busy?! Last last night, this bitch is at a black market bidding. Is that busy?

"Oh Katya, who is she?" I was shocked that she finally noticed me.

"This is Trixie. She's working as my P.A." OH! So now i'm a P.A? I thought i was a slave? A "P.S."? What happened to that?

Katya sat on her chair doing some paper works again. This man whore is workaholic as fuck.

"Oh." Fame, I think is her name, eyed me up and down. "Anyway, Traindy ------"

"Trixie." UGH! I'm so irritated right now. Is she deaf?! Where is the resemblance between Traindy and Trixie? Where?!

"Yeah whatever, get me some coffee." Get me some coffee. Hmp! Why don't you make your own coffee?!

"Okay ma'am." I forgot that I'm a slave here. So I walked over to the coffee area and thought. I am Trixie Mattel. And I will not oblige to anyone's orders (beside Katya's) without a fight.

"Ma'am?" I called her and she looked at me, obviously annoyed. "What coffee do you like? Brazilian, Cappuccino, Broad, Frosticcino, Mocha, Caram--"

"Ugh! Just give me a Cappucino!" She said, obviously irritated. I looked over at Katya. She's pretending to read a newspaper with a smile on her face. I feel like she is getting entertained because I am annoying the fuck out of her girlfriend.

"Okay ma'am.. Hot or cold?" I love my job.

"Nevermind!" I feel like she's pissed at me now. Okay, suit yourself.

"Katya, do you want some coffee? I'm going to make you one." What? 2 minutes ago she wants me to make her coffee then she's gonna ask Katya if she wants a coffee and she'll be the one to make it? Is this Fame crazy?

"No, thank you. I had the best coffee awhile ago." Best coffee ever! I smiled at that and just looked at Fame.

After my encounter with Fame, all I did was sit on the couch and stare into space while the both of them are at Katya's desk, working on some paper works.

"C'mon Fame, we're going to be late!" Katya called at Fame who's in the bathroom. I looked towards Katya's direction and she already is standing up and putting on her coat.

Is it night yet? I thought the dinner was supposed to be later at night?

7:30 pm?

It's already 7:30?!

So it is night time already! I was sitting on the couch and staring into space for a long time I didn't even notice the time.

"Wait Katya!" Fame said and Katya just shook her head.

"Hey B2?" Katya called me and I looked at her. "I'm just gonna get you delivered at the house with my driver okay? We're going to have dinner with some clients." Delivered? What am I? A package?

"K." I told her getting irritated. I stood up and just walked out of her office. If I knew I wouldn't come to that stupid dinner then i would've walked home!


I am here at her home, sitting like a jerk with nothing to do. Do you know that if I shouted in this house, it will actually make an echo because of how big her house is? I explored every room in this house, every floor. Except her bedroom which is locked.

She's still not home. Maybe she's not coming home. Maybe she'll be staying at FAME's house and make some nasty things with FAME. Why do I even care if she's with FAME. And why do I keep saying FAME's name?

And because all of her maids and drivers are out having a vacation because of my heroic action, I am here alone in her house. I thought the driver that took me home was left here to work but no, he's one of the company drivers. If she has a lot of workers here in the house, what more on her company?


I heard a loud honk outside the main door. I hurriedly walked towards the main door and opened it, the gate is automatic and it is far away from the house.

"Good evening Ma'am." I bowed my head as soon as I saw her walk inside the house.

I saw the tiredness in her face when I looked at her.

"Ma'am you can go upstairs to your room now. Let me take care of this." I reached for her coat and briefcase. She let me get a hold of it and walked upstairs and I just followed her.

She walked inside her room and I was hesitating to come inside because she didn't instructed me to.

"Ma'am, I'm just gonna put your things in here okay?" Then I put down her things in the desk she has on her room.

Where is she? I hope she doesn't get mad because I just put down her precious briefcase somewhere.

What the hell?!

Why is she taking off her polo in front of me?! Is she gonna do it to me already? I'm sweating. I need to get out of here.

"B2?" Katya called me.

"Yes?" I answered like a kitten. I'm such a pussy what is wrong with me.

My head is just looking down but I know that she is getting closer to me. I can't move. I can't move even an inch.

She held me by my waist. Should I kick her in her member already?

Why am I nervous?

"Don't move." Katya said. I really can't move. Even if she didn't say that I don't move, I really can't move and I don't know why!

She levelled her face with mine and looked into my eyes. Her blue eyes shining under the bright light in the room. She's so close that I just closed my eyes automatically. Then the electric volt followed. She kissed me.. Not torridly, but sweet and tender.

She pulled away and said,

"I told you to stop calling me Ma'am."

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