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A/N: y'all just a little warning, this will be cheesy asf to the point where you just wanna throw your phone on the other side of the room. im kidding, but i hope you'll like it.

Katya's POV

Second day of Trixie being my Personal Slave and I am liking it. I really don't want Butler Mark and my maids to come home yet. I am enjoying my alone time with Trixie. It got me thinking of what happened yesterday. I called her babe and she didn't even hit me. Not a single day passed by that Trixie didn't hit me but yesterday night was amazing. Until SHE arrived and ruined our dinner.

I saw her walk down the stairs and smiled because she looked like she's been up for hours and didn't sleep.

"Good morning Trixie, how was your sleep?" I greeted and she just looked at me.

"It was in between good and bad." She said getting annoyed already. I didnt do anything yet and she's already annoyed? But I like it when she make faces so I teased her.

"Really? Maybe you'd like to sleep on my room and cuddle with me?" I said and smirked at her. I saw that she made a disgusted face towards me and I just laughed at her.

"Are you going to eat? What do you want?" She asked. My member suddenly twitched because my mind roamed to something that is not appropriate but I still voice my thoughts out.

"You. I wanna eat you, now." And I mean it. She stomped her foot so hard on the ground that it echoed all throughout the house. She's already pissed and it's only 9:00 in the morning.

"I am not a food. So please state a name that is actually a FOOD."

"I want a cup of YOUR coffee." I said and she blushed. Aww she's so cute fuck.

She walked all the way to the kitchen, still blushing and I thought, what if she actually is my wife. Would she treat me better? Would she actually like my kisses? Would she beg for my kisses?

"Here!" I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the cup being put down on the glass table. I picked up the newspaper and started reading and I saw her go outside in the pool.

I watched her walk all the way outside and saw her picked up the big strainer that is used to pick up leaves on the pool. She is gonna clean the pool. What the fuck, that thing is so heavy for her.

But as soon as she is settled and is genuinely smiling on what she is doing, I started reading on the newspaper again.

I saw my name again on the newspaper. Being the youngest multi-billionaire in USA. I really have no choice though. If y'all only knew what I have gone through. I left the only person that I love just to master this business. And I know she will never remember me.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! GET AWAY FROM ME!!" I heard Trixie shouted and I stood up, almost knocking the glass table and the coffee and ran outside. I saw Carl holding Trixie by the waist and I sighed in relief.

"Fuck it's only you Carl. I almost had a heart attack when I heard her scream!" I said and looked at Carl. This maniac. I looked at Trixie and saw that she is confused as well as uncomfortable because Carl is still holding her by the waist.

"Yeah, I just saw this one cleaning your pool. I didn't know you keep such hot maids in here." Carl said and looked at Trixie with lustful look on her eyes.

"Carl, she's -----" I didn't even finish what I'm about to say because I was shocked of what Trixie did.

She hit Carl on his penis.

She ran away from Carl and got back inside. She just passed by me and didn't even look at me. I didn't even fought for her. I just let Carl molest her verbally.

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