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Trixie's POV

Even though I pretended to be brave yesterday, I am still scared for what is about to come today. I really don't know why I agreed to meet up with Katya's father today. Yes, we're in a coffee shop right now. He called me awhile ago and asked if he could meet me. I didn't tell Katya about this because I'm scared that this might cause another drama. Whatever her father says on how he disapproves on our relationship, I am willing to fight for Katya. She's my girl.

"What is your full name mija?" I can't even look at him straight in the eye.

"Umm.. Trixie Mattel."

What is he gonna say? Is he going to tell me to leave her daughter alone? Can't he just go straight to the point and say it already? I'm so nervous right now.

"I now understand why Katya is willing to fight for you."


He's stirring his coffee then smiled. He knows how to smile huh.

"You're as brave as her mother. I remember Pat, my wife. I punched my father also when he's trying to take me away from her."

I'm speechless.

".. I know that you can take care of my daughter. And she is also capable to take care of you. I hope you already know about her secret. Her penis. I hope you still accept her for that. And I want you to know that I am here for you. Just tell me if she hurts you, I will be the one to take action."

I dont know what to say. Is this his blessing? Did I pass?

"Thank you. And yes, I already know about her secret. And it didn't affect the love that I have for her. I love her. With all of my being. And I think this will never go away."

"You really do love my daughter mija, look at you, you're already crying." I'm crying? I touched my cheek and felt tears.

I'm just so happy.

"Trixie, wipe your tears. Please don't cry in front of my father." I looked back.

Katya? I almost jumped up just to hug her.

Well would you look at that, she's here.

"I told you so." She whispered. I can't even explain what I am feeling right now. It's like my heart is flipping because of happiness.

I heared someone cleared his throat. Oh, her father. I almost forgot that her father is still there. I let go of Katya instantly but she kept her tight grip on my waist.

Her father stood up then took his briefcase. "Well then, Trixie darling, I must go now. Have a dinner at my house?" Dinner? He's inviting me for dinner? It wasn't an invite Trixie. It was an order

I just nod my head like a loser while her father just smiled at me. Shit! Whatever happened, I'm glad that it knocked some senses out of him.

"Hey Trix." I looked at Katya. She's still holding me by the waist. "Let's make a baby."

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