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• Third Person POV •

"What do you want Ms. Alaska?" Milk asked the girl in front of her. She's talking to Alaska right now because she called her and asked if they can talk personally.

"Let's get this straight, you know that my sister is dating your secretary." Milk was taken a back by how frank Alaska became. She is also a little bit confused by the timing because Trixie didn't go to work today.

"Yes, she told me." Milk said casually.

"I know something about your past with her." Milk almost stopped breathing because of what Alaska just said.


"I want you to take her away. Away from Katya." Milk hid her shocked expression of what Alaska had just offered.

Why does she want them to be separated?
Aren't they inlove with each other?

Then she remembered what Trixie told her last night. Alaska despise her.

Milk just laughed. "What would I get out of that Ms. Alaska? I know that you know that Trixie and I are good friends so what made you think that I would agree to this?"

Alaska's eyebrows rose as if she knows that this would be Milk's response.

They just stared at each other.

Milk is thinking a lot of things about what's really between Trixie and Alaska. Sure, she would like to take Trixie away, not because she loves her. But because they are friends, she can help Trixie in a lot of things.

She is very thankful of Trixie. She changed her in a good way. Might as well help her too. But would it benefit Trixie?

"Look Milk, I know you wanted the account of the Minj's. I can give you that." Milk was even more shocked on what Alaska just laid as an offer. Their comapanies are enemies, no, their families are enemies in the field of business.

The account that Alaska is talking about is worth 100 Billion. If she agrees to what Alaska is offering and she gives the account to Milk then their company would be number 1 and the Zamolodchikova's will experience being number 2.

She smirked at the thought that Alaska is this desperate to get rid of Trixie. What's to hate about Trixie?

"Tell me Alaska, why do you hate Trixie so much to the point that you would really risk your sister's company just to get rid of her?" She smirks because she can see how Alaska reacts.

"It's a shame that a rich family, a rich woman like Katya would really be with someone like Trixie, Milk. You know how our world works. I won't let her get the taste of the richness that our family has." She said seriously.

"That's bullshit." She said while still calm, she's just holding her feelings and not strangle Alaska. "You do know that they love each other? Why are you being a pain in the ass Ms. Alaska? Stop being selfish!"

Alaska is still in a poker face, she has no reaction. She also doesn't feel a hint of guilt even though she knows very well what happened yesterday.

Yes, she was shocked that THAT would be the effect of what she has said to her sister.

But if that's the only way to erase Trixie in their lives, she would continue lying to Katya.

"Selfish as it may seem Milk but I'm just trying to protect our name." She said.

"Well if that's the case then I won't be able to help you." Milk quickly stood up and left Alaska sitting by herself. She can't believe that Milk didn't bite the offer that she is giving. She's giving up an account that is being chased by a lot of companies. But here goes Milk, not giving a fuck just because of that girl.

• Milk's POV •

Girls like Alaska are unbelievable. I can't believe that girls like her actually exists. What will happen if she laid her eyes on someone and fell in love? What about her children?

I first went to my condo, I got a message from my maid that I need to go home as early as I can. I don't know why but I suddenly felt the urge to go home. She didnt say why so I just went home.

"Milk..." I gasped when I saw her.

She is.... She is okay but something is wrong with her.

"Beatrice, what happened?" I can't help but call her by her full name when it's a serious matter. I walked towards her and suddenly, she just hugged me.

She cried.

I can hear her silently crying. I can feel her tears falling down my shoulder.

She is crying.

I don't know why but she is hurting.

I just rubbed her back, she likes that. But I don't think that can calm her down right now.

She cried for what seems like an hour.

"What's wrong?" I pulled away from her then removed the hair that was sticking on her face because of her tears.

She didn't say anything, maybe I shouldn't have asked. It looks like she is about to cry again.

Then she hugged me again, this time I am not hearing her cries. She's just breathing heavily.

I don't know what to feel but this has something to do with Alaska a while ago.

That girl is bullshit.


"Hmm?" I said while soothing her back.

"Can I stay here? I promise I'll work for you.. Please just let me stay here. I don't want there anymore. I don't want to be with them anymore.."

I looked at her with a puzzled face, she is serious about this.

I feel like I need to pretect her. She's special, a friend.

"Of course. I won't ask why now but tell me when you can."

I'm happy that I can help her. I have too. She's staying with me. I know for a fact that Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova is not good for her. Its in their blood. I can be Trixie's guardian, as a friend of course.


hey guys! Milk and Trixie? lol.

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