Thirty Eight

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• Third Person POV •

"I heard she's back." Fame said to Katya while they are talking inside a fancy restaurant.

Katya doesn't have to ask Fame who she is referring to. They both know that it is Trixie, the one and only.

"Yeah.. yeah she's back." Katya said while her head is bowed down. She can't even look straight to her girlfriend. She feels guilty.

"So.. were you able to talk?" The way Fame take things is so casual as if she didn't know that Trixie coming back mean that the love kf her life will be taken away from her as well. But unfortunately, she knows that.

Before she engaged into this kind of proscriptive relationship with Katya, she knew all along that time will come that Trixie will come back to take Katya. She knows that the relationship of Katya and Trixie were not that smooth. And because of the things that they both didn't want to happen, they separated. Because someone got in between them.

"Uhhmm... Yeah" Katya said, honestly.

Of course, we all know that anyone will be hurt once you are in this kind of situation, that same feeling that Fame is having right now.

"So what happened? Did you two got back together?" She said with much bravery. She knows that Katya was taken a back by that because she looked at her.

She didn't expect that Fame will ask her that.

"Fame.." Katya sighed as if she can't understand the situation.

"I know.. I know.. She just lend you to me and I knew all along that someday I need to give you up. I'm not a bad person Katya. I just want you to be happy." She held Katya's hand as an assurance that all the things she's saying right now are all sincere.

Even if it hurts, Katya is happy with Trixie. Even if she knows that she is just a rebound all along. That's what happens when you're crazy as fuck. You're entering a relationship that you fully know you don't belong.

"Are you serious?" Katya asked as if she really can't believe this is all happening. She can't believe that Fame will give her up so easily. I mean, she just didn't expect it to be like this. "Is there someone else?" She even asked.

"Oh silly! There's none! During the duration of our relationship, it's just you and it has always been you." She sighed. "I just realized the things that are best for us. We both know that we are not happy." She even laughed while saying that.

"Fame." Katya said with restrained voice while she's holding Fame's hand so tight.

"Oh c'mon Katya. Follow what your heart says. I'll be fine. There are a lot of better woman out there compared to you. Don't get too cocky!" Fame joked. But it's true, Fame has a lot of suitors, it's just that, she's stuck to someone she doesn't even own.


"Uhh... I-I don't know what to say." For the first time, Katya wasn't able to say anything. She feels weird that the guilt she's feeling disappeared, she feels happy.

"Just go to her house." Fame said.

Then it struck her. She remembered what happened to her and Trixie and the last time they talked.

"It's too late. I- I already lost her. She.. Trixie doesn't want me anymore." It feels like Katya words will melt her right there and then.

"No, it's never too late. Maybe she doesn't want you, but she loves you. Want and Love are different things Ms. Zamo." Fame said. She can't believe that she is encouraging Katya.

"Fuck! If she only knew what you are telling to me." Katya laughed and shook her head.

"Go get her." Fame laughed. "I gotta go as well. Stop acting like a love sixk woman. You are Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova. Every girl bow down to you so go get her." Then Fame stood up and kissed Katya on the forehead and she whispered goodbye.

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